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The minimum deposit is KD 50 and maximum deposit is KD 500,000.

In case of no withdrawal within the holding period, extra chances will apply.

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  • Awareness Announcement

    On the occasion of the upcoming Ordinary General Assembly meeting of the Bank's Shareholders scheduled on Saturday 15th of March 2025, and in alignment with the resolutions and circulars issued by the Capital Markets Authority, Boursa Kuwait and Policies and Procedures for Electronic Annual General Assembly Meeting issued by Kuwait Clearing Company ("KCC Manual"), the Bank is committed to providing guidance to the shareholders to take into consideration the date of the right to attend the General Assembly meeting and the final date for purchasing the shares that entitle the right to attend the aforementioned General Assembly to take into consideration, as well as the means of attendance and voting. Learn More

  • Important Notice

    NBK will never ask you for your account number, card number, CVV, OTP/PIN numbers over the phone, Viber, WhatsApp or any other means. Please do not disclose your personal information to anyone. Learn more

Indian Rupee to Kuwaiti Dinar


Indian Rupee to Kuwaiti Dinar Currency Converter

Looking to exchange your Indian Rupee for Kuwaiti Dinar? Or wondering how much a thing would cost in Indian Rupees with a Kuwaiti Dinar price tag? To state the obvious, the equivalent values of INR to KWD change every second – but the rate of change is fractional. Still, it helps to know how much Indian Rupee would be worth in Kuwaiti Dinar to make informed financial decisions.

Use the below Indian Rupee to Kuwait Dinar Currency Converter for Free!

Currency Convertor

How to Convert INR to KWD

Using the currency converter for Indian Rupee to Kuwaiti Dinar is easy! Just follow these steps:
1. Make sure that the input fields (From and To) have the right currency (in this case, INR in From, and KWD in To) showing per your requirement.
* If not, click on the down arrow next to them to choose the currency you desire to convert.
2. Enter the 'amount' in the field below From currency (It will automatically take in INR).
3. View the 'amount' below the To currency (It will show the result in KWD).

This is the INR to KWD value that you are looking for!

Want to calculate the value from Kuwaiti Dinar to Indian Rupee? Use this KWD to INR Calculator.

The currency exchange rate for different currencies across the world can vary. To convert the rate between another currency, choose the ones from the drop-down next to 'From' and 'To' fields, or select from one of our popular currency converters below:

USD to KWD Currency Converter KWD to USD Currency Converter
Euro to KWD Currency Converter KWD to Euro Currency Converter
PKR to KWD Currency Converter KWD to PKR Currency Converter
PHP to KWD Currency Converter KWD to PHP Currency Converter


  1. What is 1 KD to INR?

    As of Feb 17, 2023, the value of 1 KD is equivalent to 266.67 INR. To know the current rate, use a currency converter.

  2. How much is 100 KD in India?

    The value of 100 KD in India would be equal to Rs. 26666.67. Do note that this value is based on the currency exchange rate for INR to KWD on Feb 17, 2023; it might have different values at different times.

  3. Which currency is highest in INR?

    The currency exchange rate between INR to KWD is the highest, so Kuwaiti Dinar holds the highest currency value when exchanged for INR.


All rates on this site are published and used for information purposes only. National Bank of Kuwait accepts no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss and/or damage arising from its use.