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Currency Rates

Convert or find out the rates of major currencies around the world.
Disclaimer: All rates on this site are published and used for information purposes only. Credit Bank of Iraq accepts no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss and/or damage arising from its use.


Currency Name Buy Rate Sell Rate 1 UNT Buys 1 USD Buys
Iraqi Dinar 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1300.0000000
UAE Dirham 351.2564200 362.4680800 0.0027589 3.5865700
EURO 1437.8000000 1487.5080000 0.0006723 0.8739900
Pound Sterling 1721.4600000 1779.4920000 0.0005620 0.7306000
Jordanian Dinar 1812.0992500 1889.2228400 0.0005293 0.6880900
Kuwaiti Dinar 4240.7437600 4335.6873000 0.0002306 0.2997800
US Dollar 1300.0000000 1320.0000000 0.0007576 1.0000000
