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Are you a motivated and innovative individual who is looking to join a team that will make you perform at your finest? NBK – Egypt offers you a range of positions to fit your professional skills and ambition.
We have a Talent Management Department that will make sure you are aptly placed so that you can thrive. At NBK you can apply your hard work to a rewarding setting and get results.
Become one of the best, become an NBK team member.
“I am delighted to welcome you all to our big family in NBK, I am confident that you are all excited to share your potential efforts and outstanding performance to contribute towards our mission, achieve and bring more success.”
Head of Human Resources
Hanan Thabet
At NBK, we strive to encourage the universities students by offering them an internship program where they will get the chance to develop their skills and challenge in the job market after graduation.
If you are interested to join our team, please send your CV to: yourcareer@nbk.com.eg
Online Application:
You will be requested to fill the Online Employment Application.
HR Interview:
If you were selected among the candidates, an initial HR interview will be conducted.
After you pass the HR interview, you will undergo the required assessments.
Technical Interview:
After you pass the assessment, technical interviews will take place.
Offering Stage:
Once you pass all the previous steps, you will be eligible for the offering stage.
Onboarding Process:
The final stage is to go through the onboarding process and to deliver all the hiring list of documents.