NBK Tools

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Al Jawhara Calculator

The minimum deposit is KD 50 and maximum deposit is KD 500,000.

In case of no withdrawal within the holding period, extra chances will apply.

NBK Miles Points Calculator

Loan Calculator

Loan Refinancing Calculator

Term Deposit Calculator

Currency Convertor

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  • Important Announcement

    Dear Customers, Please note that the official working hours at the NBK branches during the Holy Month of Ramadan will be from 10 AM until 1:30 PM. All NBK branches shall be closed after Iftar with the exception of our branches at Kuwait International Airport (T1 & T4), The Avenues, Grand Plaza-The Avenues, Khairan Outlet Mall & The Warehouse Mall, along with our ITM service and NBK self-service branches. Ramadan Mubarak.

  • Important Notice

    NBK will never ask you for your account number, card number, CVV, OTP/PIN numbers over the phone, Viber, WhatsApp or any other means. Please do not disclose your personal information to anyone. Learn more

Salary Portal


Are you a business owner with a sizable team of employees? Do you run a large staff? Are you looking for a way to streamline the payment of their salaries?

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor (MOSAL) has a new process regarding the submission of employees' salaries details electronically, making your life easier.

You no longer need to go to the ministry to submit your employee’s salaries details – NBK will do it for you. Just enjoy the comfort of your own office or home by registering to NBK Salary Portal where you can initiate the process of salary payments online.

Our Clients

The NBK Salary Portal is available to any business owners paying salaries and/or allowances to their employees.

Our Offerings

  • Transfer salary payments anytime and anywhere
  • Your salary payments get automatically reported to MOSAL (Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor)
  • ​Save on salary transfer fees! KD 1 for each salary transferred using the NBK Salary Portal, compared to KD 2 using the Salaries Unit*

*Al Amil accounts are exempted from the additional fee


  • A completed and signed application form as well as an agreement to the terms and conditions
  • Copies of the Civil IDs of your company's staff members who will be using the salary portal

Additional Details

  • Steps to register and upload salaries:

Watch this step-by-step tutorial on how easy it is to register and upload salaries through this service.

  • Salaries and/or allowances payments for your staff:

Watch this tutorial that shows you how convenient and simple it is to transfer salaries and allowances through the portal.

Please note: You will need to apply for this service in a NBK branch.


  1. What is the NBK Salary Portal?

    A secure online service that companies can use to pay the salaries and/or allowance payments of their employees. No longer the need to visit NBK to request the processing of your salaries, this can now be done easily and conveniently from the comfort of your offices.

  2. Who can sign up for it?

    Any company currently paying salaries and/or allowances to its employees.

  3. What documents are required?

    - A completed and signed application form as well as an agreement to the terms and conditions

    - Copies of the Civil IDs of the company’s staff who will be using the salary portal to process the payments