NBK Tools

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Al Jawhara Calculator

The minimum deposit is KD 50 and maximum deposit is KD 500,000.

In case of no withdrawal within the holding period, extra chances will apply.

NBK Miles Points Calculator

Loan Calculator

Loan Refinancing Calculator

Term Deposit Calculator

Currency Convertor

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  • Important Announcement

    Dear Customers, Please note that the official working hours at the NBK branches during the Holy Month of Ramadan will be from 10 AM until 1:30 PM. All NBK branches shall be closed after Iftar with the exception of our branches at Kuwait International Airport (T1 & T4), The Avenues, Grand Plaza-The Avenues, Khairan Outlet Mall & The Warehouse Mall, along with our ITM service and NBK self-service branches. Ramadan Mubarak.

  • Awareness Announcement

    On the occasion of the upcoming Ordinary General Assembly meeting of the Bank's Shareholders scheduled on Saturday 15th of March 2025, and in alignment with the resolutions and circulars issued by the Capital Markets Authority, Boursa Kuwait and Policies and Procedures for Electronic Annual General Assembly Meeting issued by Kuwait Clearing Company ("KCC Manual"), the Bank is committed to providing guidance to the shareholders to take into consideration the date of the right to attend the General Assembly meeting and the final date for purchasing the shares that entitle the right to attend the aforementioned General Assembly to take into consideration, as well as the means of attendance and voting. Learn More

  • Important Notice

    NBK will never ask you for your account number, card number, CVV, OTP/PIN numbers over the phone, Viber, WhatsApp or any other means. Please do not disclose your personal information to anyone. Learn more

Important Notice

Dear Customers,

As part of National Bank of Kuwait (NBK)’s responsibility towards raising customers’ awareness against fraud actions, it has recently been noticed that some fraudulent activities have been reported by customers through popular communication applications such as Viber and WhatsApp carrying a number similar to NBK Call Center 1801801. These fraudulent activities falsely state that they are issued by NBK to congratulate customers for winning fake competitions.

NBK strongly recommends that customers exercise extreme caution in respect of such scams that intend to obtain money and personal information. Also, NBK would like to confirm that we will not call or send any email or text messages to inquire about customer’s bank account details, cards, OTP and PIN number. In the event that one of our customers wins any of our known campaigns, they are invited to visit us at the bank's premises to receive their prize according to the rules and procedures legally approved. Therefore, in case you receive suspicious messages or calls, you are advised not to reply to any of them and contact NBK Call Center 1801801 immediately before taking any further action with respect to such communications or correspondence.