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Al Jawhara Calculator

The minimum deposit is KD 50 and maximum deposit is KD 500,000.

In case of no withdrawal within the holding period, extra chances will apply.

NBK Miles Points Calculator

Loan Calculator

Loan Refinancing Calculator

Term Deposit Calculator

Currency Convertor

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  • Important Announcement

    Dear Customers, Please note that the official working hours at the NBK branches during the Holy Month of Ramadan will be from 10 AM until 1:30 PM. All NBK branches shall be closed after Iftar with the exception of our branches at Kuwait International Airport (T1 & T4), The Avenues, Grand Plaza-The Avenues, Khairan Outlet Mall & The Warehouse Mall, along with our ITM service and NBK self-service branches. Ramadan Mubarak.

  • Important Notice

    NBK will never ask you for your account number, card number, CVV, OTP/PIN numbers over the phone, Viber, WhatsApp or any other means. Please do not disclose your personal information to anyone. Learn more

NBK FlexiPay


Use your eligible NBK Credit Card and pay in installments with 0% interest for 12 months with NBK FlexiPay.

Who is it for?

All NBK Credit Cardholders with the revolving payment option are eligible for this service, excluding NBK Classic, Gold and Titanium Credit Cardholders.

What Can I Do?

Pay for your purchases in-store or online, locally and internationally, in easy installments for 12 months and 0% interest with NBK FlexiPay through NBK Online Banking.

How Do I Get It?

Converting your purchases at all merchants in Kuwait and internationally

Option 1:

  • Pay at any merchant locally or internationally, and convert your purchases into NBK FlexiPay installments through NBK Online Banking
  • Minimum amount of purchase is KD 150
  • You can have up to 3 transactions using NBK FlexiPay per year

Option 2:

  • The transaction should be conducted at participating merchants at dedicated NBK FlexiPay terminals
  • To avail the service at participating merchants, ask the cashier for the NBK FlexiPay option before making payments
  • To avail the service for online purchases, the NBK FlexiPay option will be provided at the checkout page for participating merchants

NBK FlexiPay Participating Merchants:

  • Gait
  • Fantasy World Toys
  • Unitech Medical Devices Company
  • Samsung AlBabtain
  • Q'go Travel & Tourism Company
  • Al Seef Hospital
  • Rafa Nadal Academy Kuwait

You will be notified within 72 hours via SMS whether the transaction has successfully been converted to the installment plan or not.

Tell Me More

  • NBK FlexiPay service is free of charge
  • NBK FlexiPay should be requested before statement date
  • Only revolving NBK Credit Cardholders can benefit from 0% installment for purchase transactions. Customers using 100% payment card “charge cards” cannot avail the service
  • The service is offered for 12 months tenure only
  • The minimum amount to avail the service is KD 150 per purchase
  • Monthly installments related to NBK FlexiPay service will be added to the existing installments (minimum amount due) payable by the card. The total amount payable to NBK will be the sum of the purchase price of the goods or services, and any applicable fees and charges as determined by NBK and provided in the NBK tariff list
  • If the cardholder fails to pay an installment when due, or fails to pay the full amount of an installment when due, finance charges will be applied on the unpaid amount of such installments at the rates prescribed in the NBK tariff list
  • The cardholder may request early settlement of the service at any time by contacting NBK Call Center 1801801
  • NBK reserves the right to reject any request without justification and will not be liable for any claim arising from rejection
  • NBK reserves the right without any liability to cancel or suspend the service at any time
  • In case of a credit card renewal or replacement, all transactions on the old credit card will be transferred to the new credit card including the service availed
  • NBK reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice and without bearing any liability
  • NBK FlexiPay service is governed by these terms and conditions, in addition to the terms and conditions of the NBK Credit Cards, and the cardholder acknowledges their complete acceptance thereof
  • Delinquent NBK Cardholders are not eligible for participation
  • NBK reserves the right to disqualify any cardholder from NBK FlexiPay service, whether in the event of suspected abnormal usage patterns or for any other reason whatsoever