NBK Tools

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Al Jawhara Calculator

The minimum deposit is KD 50 and maximum deposit is KD 500,000.

In case of no withdrawal within the holding period, extra chances will apply.

NBK Miles Points Calculator

Loan Calculator

Loan Refinancing Calculator

Term Deposit Calculator

Currency Convertor

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  • Important Announcement

    Dear Customers, Please note that the official working hours at the NBK branches during the Holy Month of Ramadan will be from 10 AM until 1:30 PM. All NBK branches shall be closed after Iftar with the exception of our branches at Kuwait International Airport (T1 & T4), The Avenues, Grand Plaza-The Avenues, Khairan Outlet Mall & The Warehouse Mall, along with our ITM service and NBK self-service branches. Ramadan Mubarak.

  • Important Notice

    NBK will never ask you for your account number, card number, CVV, OTP/PIN numbers over the phone, Viber, WhatsApp or any other means. Please do not disclose your personal information to anyone. Learn more

Loan Refinancing


Are you satisfied with your loan but feel you would be happier and more at ease if you had taken out more money? We’re here to help you get everything you need.


Loan Refinancing is available to you. This allows you to borrow an additional amount of money from which the old loan can be settled.


*Terms and conditions apply

Who is it For?

  • Loanholder must have repaid no less than 30% of the total number of installments set for their consumer or installment loan on their due dates
  • For example, if you have taken a loan of 180 installments originally (i.e. over 15 years), the loan can be refinanced only if 54 installments have been paid
  • Loanholder should not be past due on loan payments at the time of application

How Do I Get It?

  • The new loan must be of the same type as that of the original loan
  • For example, an existing consumer loan can be refinanced by a new consumer loan only (the same applies for installment loans)

Required Documents

  1. Salary certificate

  2. Civil ID, passport copy (for expats)


  1. How much can a customer additionally borrow?

    You can additionally borrow until your loan outstanding reaches KD 25,000 for consumer loans and KD 95,000 for all loans.

  2. What do I need to do to bring my loan/salary from another bank to NBK?

    You should have paid 30% of the installments of your loan at another bank on their due dates NBK will assess your eligibility by checking your income and liabilities and approve your loan. Upon approval, NBK will start the process to settle your loan with another bank and grant a new loan with NBK.

  3. What is the maximum DBR (debt burden ratio) that I am allocated?

    You cannot exceed the debt burden ratio (DBR) of 40%.