All Accounts
How can I open an account at NBK?
You can open an account at NBK by filling in the NBK Account application form.
Current Account
What is the minimum opening balance for an NBK Current Account?
The minimum opening balance for an NBK Current Account is KD 500.
In what currencies can I open an NBK Current Account?
You can open an account in KD and major foreign currencies.
Express Account
What is the minimum opening balance for an NBK Express Account?
The minimum opening balance for an NBK Express Account is KD 10.
Trust Account
Do I get interest on my NBK Trust Account?
Our Trust Account is a non-interest bearing account.
Can I open this account in other currencies?
No, this account is available in KD only.
What happens if I stop using my account?
If there is no activity on the account for 1 year, the account will go into a dormant status. If there is no activity on the account for 5 years or more, the account will go to unclaimed status. A KD 2 monthly fee will be charged to dormant and unclaimed accounts. You may visit any branch and reactivate your dormant and unclaimed account – a fee of KD 5 will be charged for all reactivations.
Savings Account
How is the interest calculated?
Interest is calculated monthly and credited to your account twice a year on the 31st of May and the 30th of November. The minimum balance to be eligible for interest is KD 500 (interest is calculated based on the minimum balance in the account during the month).
Can I open this account in other currencies?
No, this account is available in KD only.
What happens if I stop using my account?
If there is no activity on the account for 1 year, the account will go into a dormant status. If there is no activity on the account for 5 years or more, the account will go to unclaimed status.
A KD 2 monthly fee will be charged to dormant and unclaimed accounts. You may visit any branch and reactivate your dormant and unclaimed account – a fee of KD 5 will be charged for all reactivations.
Al Jawhara Account
What happens if I make a withdrawal within Al Jawhara draw time period?
In case of any withdrawals within the stipulated time period, you will still get the regular number of chances i.e., 1 chance per KD 50.
How are my chances calculated for the weekly draw?
Eligibility for the weekly draw is based on the minimum balance of the week preceding the week of the draw. For example, if the draw is being held on Tuesday, 10 January, the lowest balance between Sunday, 1 January and Saturday, 7 January will be considered. If the account is closed when the draw takes place, you will not be eligible for the draw.
How are my chances calculated for the monthly draw?
Eligibility for the monthly draw requires a minimum balance of KD 1,000 in your account during the month preceding the draw month. For example, if the draw is in March then the lowest balance of your account in the month of February will be counted for the draw. If the account is closed when the draw takes place, you will not be eligible for the draw.
How are my chances calculated for the grand prize draw?
Eligibility for the grand prize draw is based on a minimum balance of KD 1,000 in your account for a full three-months period prior to the month of the draw. For example, for April’s Al Jawhara grand prize draw, your lowest balance during January, February and March will be used to calculate the number of chances you have in the draw. If the account is closed when the draw takes place, you will not be eligible for the draw.
Will I be charged any fees for my Al Jawhara Account?
If the average monthly balance falls below KD 200 during any given month, a KD 2 charge will be applied.
Who are the previous winners of Al Jawhara Draw?
Visit "Al Jawhara Winners" page to find out.
What is the maximum balance allowed per customer in Al Jawhara Account?
The maximum balance allowed per customer in all Al Jawhara Accounts is KD 500,000. The system will not allow any deposits more than the maximum amount into your Al Jawhara Account.
How is the draw conducted?
Al Jawhara draws are all monitored by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, and conducted electronically in the presence of a representative of the Ministry. The bank provides the Ministry with the winner’s details after each draw. The bank also is collaborating with an external audit to review the draw as required by Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
When do Al Jawhara draws take place?
Al Jawhara draws are conducted every Tuesday of every week and in case there is a public holiday, the draw is then postponed to the next working day or what the b ank sees applicable. In case the bank is having external events, the draw is then postponed to the agreed date. All changes of draw dates are communicated and approved by MOC. The draws take place at the bank’s premises or in case of an external event the bank announces the location and time to customers in advance.
What is the maximum balance allowed per customer in Al Jawhara account?
The maximum balance allowed per customer is KD 500,000 the system will not allow any deposits more than that amount in to Al Jawhara account
How is the draw conducted?
Al Jawhara draws are all monitored by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, and conducted electronically in the presence of a representative of the Ministry. The bank provides the Ministry with the winner’s details after each draw. The bank also is collaborating with an external audit to review the draw as required by Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
When do Al Jawhara draws take place?
Al Jawhara draws are conducted every Tuesday of every week and in case there is a public holiday, the draw is then postponed to the next working day or what the banks see applicable, and in case the bank is having external events the draw is then postponed to the agreed date. All changes of draw dates are communicated and approved by MOC. The draws takes place at the Banks premises or in case of an external event the bank announces in advance to customers the location and time
How can I know my chances for each draw?
You can know your chances of winning the next Al Jawhara draw by simply logging in to NBK Mobile or Online Banking and using Al Jawhara Calculator to check your exact chances based on your account balance.
If I win how will I receive my prize?
Once you win, you will be contacted by the bank immediately to inform you. Once the winner signs the required documents by the Bank, the prize will be credited to the account directly.
Super Account
How is the interest rate calculated?
Interest is calculated daily and credited 4 times a year (end of March, June, September and December). Interest on the account is cancelled for the month if the customer makes more than 3 withdrawals in that month.
What minimum balance should I keep in my account?
The minimum balance you should maintain to be eligible for interest is KWD 500, GBP 5,000, or USD 5,000.
Are there any conditions on making interest?
More than three withdrawals in a one-month period will result in a loss of the interest for that month.
What happens if I stop using my account?
If there is no activity on the account for 1 year, the account will go into a dormant status. If there is no activity on the account for 5 years or more, the account will go to unclaimed status. A KD 2 monthly fee will be charged to dormant and unclaimed accounts. You may visit any branch and reactivate your dormant and unclaimed account – a fee of KD 5 will be charged for all reactivations.
Call Account
What if I stop using my account?
If there is no activity on the account for 1 year, the account will go into a dormant status. If there is no activity on the account for 5 years or more, the account will go to unclaimed status. A KD 2 monthly fee will be charged to dormant and unclaimed accounts. You should visit NBK’s Head Office to reactivate the account – a fee of KD 5 will be charged.
What is the minimum amount to open an NBK Call Account?
The minimum balance required to open an NBK Call Account is KD 50,000.
What is the minimum balance for me to earn interest?
You need to maintain KD 100,000 to earn interest on your NBK Call Account.
When is interest paid?
Interest is paid every quarter.
Notice Account
What is NBK Notice Account?
It is a savings account that offers attractive interest rates with the flexibility to deposit funds at any time and make a partial withdrawal by submitting a withdrawal notice. The notice period is based on the type of the NBK Notice Account opened at the branch (35 days, 65 days or 95 days).
Who can apply for the NBK Notice Account?
This product is best suitable for Thahabi, Privilege and Business Banking Customers; however it can be opened by all NBK Customers.
Is this product an account or a type of deposits (ex. NBK Term Deposit/NBK Flexible Term Deposit)?
NBK Notice Account is considered a savings account.
What is the notice period to withdraw from the account?
At the time of applying for an NBK Notice Account at the branch, the customer will need to choose from the below notice period options:
- Option 1: 35 Days
- Option 2: 65 Days
- Option 3: 95 Days
For example, if the customer chooses a period of 35 days (option 1), he will need to submit a written notice 35 days before withdrawing from the account.
How can the customer submit a withdrawal notice?
The customer can submit a notice by visiting any NBK Branch.
Can the customer place a notice by calling the NBK Call Center?
No, the customer will need to visit any NBK branch.
Can the customer withdraw from the account without submitting a notice?
Yes, the customer can. However he/she will lose the interest on the entire balance for that entire period.
How is the interest calculated and paid?
Interest is calculated on daily basis and paid according to the notice period chosen by the customer.
Interest Payment Period:
- Option 1: 35 Days - Interest Payment Period: Every 30 Days
- Option 2: 65 Days - Interest Payment Period: Every 60 Days
- Option 3: 95 Days - Interest Payment Period: Every 90 Days
What is the process to close the NBK Notice Account?
The customer will need to submit a notice for closure at NBK branch. Account will be closed automatically at the end of notice period. The total balance and interest will be transferred to the customer’s settlement account.
What will happen if the customer wants to close the account without submitting a notice?
In this case, the customer will lose the interest on the entire balance for that particular interest payment period.
Will this account become dormant?
Yes, like any other account, if there is no customer initiated transactions and activity on the account for a period of 1 year.
How can the customer activate the dormant NBK Notice Account?
The customer can visit any NBK branch as per the current process for activation.
If the account is dormant, will the customer get paid interest during the dormancy period?
Interest will be accrued but it will not be paid during the dormancy period. Once the account is activated, unpaid accrued interest in total will be paid in the subsequent interest payment period.
Are NBK Notice Account’s interest rates fixed or subject to change?
NBK Notice Account interest rates are subject to change and will be applicable to existing and new customers.
How will the customer be informed about the revised interest rates?
Similar to other products, the revised interest rates are published on NBK website.
Term Deposits
How is interest calculated?
Interest is calculated based on the time period and amount of the deposit.
What are the interest rates for foreign currency deposits?
Please refer to our Rate Table.
How do I change my NBK Term Deposit?
Any instructions given from you related to your deposit, like closing it or amending the amount and/or period, should be through NBK Call Center at 1801801 or by visiting the nearest branch and must be done 48 hours before maturity date.
What is required to get a checkbook?
You need approval from your branch manager.
Can my checks be of any size or are there guidelines around standard check sizes?
As per the Central Bank of Kuwait’s instructions to all local banks, only checks meeting the standard size requirements will be accepted for processing. Checks should either be 20.3 cm x 7.6 cm or 22.8 cm x 8.9 cm.
Are there any specific security features that I need to adhere to?
Checkbooks issued by NBK comply with all security features as stipulated by CBK and these include:
- Type of paper used which does not allow for checks to be photocopied
- Special type of ink
- Watermark as part of the checks
- UV logo
What do I have to remember when dealing with checks?
Do not write or sign over the MICR code at the bottom of the check.
Generally keep checks in a good condition - it should not be folded or stapled to the paper. Make sure that your checks are not damaged in any way (ie: torn, folded, or crumpled).
The check should not be exposed to direct sunlight nor kept in a hot place e.g. in a car in direct sunlight as this can damage the UV logo.
Ensure the availability of sufficient funds in the account before issuing checks (checks returned due to insufficient funds may lead to criminal prosecutions and/ or closure of your account by NBK).
Salary Package
How can I become a NBK Salary Transfer Package Customer?
If you have just started a job and your salary is KD 400 or more, you are eligible to apply for the Salary Transfer Package.
Expat Package
What is the minimum salary to open an NBK Expat Account?
You can open an NBK Expat Account if your salary is KD 400.
How many NBK branches are present around the world providing international services? Where are they located?
NBK has 96 international branches and representative offices outside of Kuwait. They are located in Lebanon, Egypt, Bahrain, U.A.E, Iraq, KSA, Turkey, China, England, France, Singapore, USA & Switzerland.
Al Shabab Package
What do I need to be an NBK Al Shabab Package customer?
Opening an NBK Al Shabab Account is easy, all you need is your civil ID and an opening account balance of KD 10.
What is the age group for the Al Shabab Package?
This package is perfect if you are between 13 and 24 years of age.
Zeina Package
What is the age required to open an NBK Zeina Package?
You can open a Zeina Package for a child from birth up to the age of 15 years old. It is required that a parent or a legal guardian be present to open a Zeina Package.
What are the documents required by the legal guardian?
For the father of the child to open the account, both the father and his child’s civil ID is required.
For the mother of the child to open the account, both the mother and her child’s civil ID is required in addition to the child’s birth certificate.
For a legal guardian other than the child’s mother or father, both the civil ID of the child and his/her guardian is required with the certificate of court ruling legal guardianship.
What is the minimum and maximum loan amount I can get?
Minimum loan amount is KD 5,000 and maximum is KD 500,000 against 100% of the KD deposit/cash collateral amount.
Are there any fees for the loans against cash collateral?
Yes, minimal fees apply as per the tariff list and approved fees. Around KD 25 fees are charged for the mortgage contract and other contracts fees.
How long does the loan need to be funded in customer's account?
Same day or within 2 days in case all required conditions are met.
Which documents do you need to apply for this loan?
Copy of your Civil ID, passport copy (for expats only) and financial position form.
What is the minimum and maximum loan term and interest rate?
Loan term from 1 year up to 15 years subject to the maturity of the deposit*.
*For loan term of 1 year – Interest rate is currently at 6.5%
*For loan term of more than 1 year – Interest rate is currently at 8.00%
What is the maximum age at maturity date?
No maximum age is required.
Is it possible to take this loan against blocking amount in Al Jawhara account?
Yes, it is possible and the amount blocked in Jawhara account will enter the draw.
Is it possible to select the payment method of this loan?
Yes the customer can select the preferable payment method (monthly or bullet payment at maturity date).
Is it possible to close the loan before maturity date and is there any prepayment fee?
Yes it is possible to settle the loan before maturity date and there is no prepayment fee.
What documents do I need to apply for a loan?
To apply for a loan you would need to provide the following documents; a salary certificate or proof of income, passport, Civil ID, account statement of the last 6 months.
Does my salary have to be transferred to NBK Kuwait?
Yes, for Kuwait-based customers, salary should be transferred. May be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Can I settle the loan earlier than maturity?
Yes, however there is a fee (depending on the country you took the loan from).
Can I apply for a loan for a property/land that is incomplete?
No, financing is only available for fully completed properties only. However, it is available in London and subject to condition.
Does NBK offer any other real estate services?
Yes, depending on the country, some of the services are; registration of property (buying or selling), facilitation of property evaluations, renewal of leases.
Will the property be registered under my name or the bank’s name?
The property will be registered under your name, however mortgaged under the bank’s name.
How frequent are the installments?
Installments are usually monthly, however some locations may be quarterly installments.
Is there a minimum salary requirement to apply for a loan?
Yes. The minimum salary depends on the country you are applying for. Contact NBK on 1801801 or visit your local branch on how to find out more information.
How can I apply for an international mortgage?
For more information and to start the process, visit NBK International Mortgages Center in NBK Headquarters Branch, Ras Al Salmiya and Surra, or call 22295380.
Loan Refinancing
What is loan refinancing?
Loan refinancing is an extension of your loan payment plan – applying for loan refinancing means you would like to change the terms of your current loan. Loan refinancing is also known as rebooking.
Who is eligible for refinancing?
Any customer who has been regular with the repayment of not less than 30% of the number of installments set out for his consumer or installment loan on their due dates is eligible for refinancing (rebooking).
For example, if a customer has taken a loan of 180 installments originally (15 years), the loan can be refinanced only once 54 installments have been paid.
It is also important to note that at the time of applying for loan refinancing you should not be past due with you loan installments and partial payments cannot be considered as installments paid.
What are the conditions of loan refinancing?
NBK can grant a new loan from which the old loan can be settled, however the new loan must be of the same loan type as the loan that is being settled.
For example, an existing consumer loan can be refinanced only by a new consumer loan. The same applies for installment loan.
How much can I additionally borrow?
Your eligibility can be determined only after examining your income and total liabilities on Ci-net. The same criteria for taking a new loan also applies with loan refinancing.
What documents do I need to submit?
You should submit the same documents that are required for a new loan. These are; an up-to-date salary certificate/continuation letter, valid civil ID and for expatriates a passport copy is also required.
Can I bring my loan from another bank to NBK? Or, can I transfer my salary from another bank to NBK although I have a loan with another bank?
Yes you can, NBK will close your loan with another bank and give you a new loan.
What do I need to do to bring my loan/salary from another bank to NBK?
You should have paid 30% of the installments of your loan at another bank on their due dates.
You should submit all documents that are needed for a new loan including the liability certificate and 3-month bank statement from the other bank.
NBK will assess your eligibility by checking your income and liabilities before approving your loan.
Upon approval, NBK will start the process to settle your loan with another bank and grant a new loan with NBK.
Can I amend the term of my loan?
Yes you can, either by increasing your loan term (extension) or reducing it.
How does refinancing affect my current loan?
You can extend the term of your existing installment loan only up to 180 months from the start date of your loan (60 months in case of consumer loan).
If you have already taken a 180 month installment loan (or 60 month consumer loan), then you cannot extend the loan term any further.
Your loan should not be past due.
Extending the term will decrease your installment amount.
Your total interest payment over the loan term will increase.
What is the maximum DBR (debt burden ratio) that I am allotted?
You cannot exceed the debt burden ratio (DBR) of 40%.
Loan Insurance
How do I apply?
There is no need to apply separately or take a medical examination. Just kindly indicate your preference for insurance on your loan contract.
For more details, please contact NBK Call Center at 1801801.
All Credit Cards
What is the annual fee for NBK Credit Cards?
NBK tries to make products as convenient as possible for you. Primary and supplementary credit cards are free for the first year and NBK only charges from the second year onwards. The annual fee varies, based on the type of credit card. For details contact NBK at 1801801.
How do I get the discounts offered with my NBK Credit Card?
When using your NBK Credit Card just inform the counter staff that you will be paying with your NBK Credit Card. All promotional offers and discounts can be found at the NBK Rewards Center.
Where can I use my NBK Credit Card?
NBK Credit Cards are second to none when it comes to acceptance. You can use them both locally and internationally, at ATMs and at numerous merchants.
What is defined as a NBK Premium Credit Card?
Cards that come under this category include Visa Signature, World MasterCard, Platinum Visa, Platinum MasterCard and all Titanium MasterCard Cards.
What is the NBK Rewards Program?
It is Kuwait’s largest loyalty program with more than 600 partner outlets across the country. When using any of your NBK Credit Cards (Visa, MasterCard or Diners Club) at participating outlets, you will enjoy up to 20% off the transaction amount in the form of NBK Rewards Points. NBK Rewards Points can be instantly redeemed at the point of sale machine when paying for your purchases at participating outlets.
How are NBK Rewards Points calculated?
When you use your NBK Credit Card at any participating outlet, you will automatically be rewarded with a number of points that will be transferred to your account according to the discount rate given by the merchant. If you are purchasing an item that costs KD 70:
- If the discount rate is 15%, then KD 70 x 15 points = 1050 NBK Rewards Points
- If the discount rate is 10%, then KD 70 x 10 points = 700 NBK Rewards Points
How do I find participating outlets of the NBK Rewards Program?
All participating outlets can be found at the NBK Rewards Center.
Alternatively you can check the NBK Rewards Booklet, available in all branches. However, please note that the list of partner outlets is subject to change at any time.
You can also contact NBK Call Center at 1801801 to find out about the latest partners or to confirm the discount percentage at a particular partner.
What are the main terms and conditions of NBK Rewards Program?
Unlike other reward schemes, you will be pleased to know that you are guaranteed to get your NBK Rewards Points because they are automatically calculated by the point of sale machine when you pay with any of your NBK Credit Cards at NBK partner outlets. Your NBK Rewards Points are active for up to 24 months from the date of earning them. However, points cannot be earned during sale periods at participating outlets.
How can I get a credit limit increase on my credit card?
Simply visit any NBK branch, and if you are eligible, NBK will extend the service to you.
How can I upgrade my credit card?
Just contact the NBK Call Center at 1801801 and find out if you are eligible. If upgrading your credit card requires a credit limit increase, you will be asked by the call center to visit an NBK branch to upgrade your credit card.
What should I do if my card is lost or stolen?
NBK makes sure our cardholders are as safe as possible. If your card is lost or stolen, contact the NBK Call Center immediately at 1801801 when calling from within Kuwait and dial +96522248361 when calling from abroad. NBK Call Center will immediately block your card from unauthorized transactions.
When I am overseas, should I pay in KD or another currency?
To avoid extra charges, always request to pay in the local currency of the country you are visiting.
For example, if you are visiting the United Arab Emirates, make sure you insist on paying in AED. If you pay in Kuwaiti Dinars while abroad, you will be charged more in currency conversion rates which could be an additional 3 to 5% of your total bill amount.
Can I withdraw cash from ATMs?
Yes, you can withdraw cash from any of NBK’s conveniently placed ATMs. What’s more, you can withdraw 100% of your available funds.
How is the foreign exchange rate calculated when using NBK Cards abroad?
The transaction amount in foreign currency will be converted to KD using the current exchange rate, with a 2.75% markup to the rate.
What supporting documentation do I need when applying for the card?
NBK makes applying easy too. All that is required is a copy of your Civil ID, a copy of your passport, a salary credit to NBK and a salary continuation certificate.
Do I need to activate my credit card?
Your security is a priority at NBK. To activate your card, simply contact the NBK Call Center at 1801801. This simple process ensures your security and peace of mind.
What are the payment options available to settle my credit card dues?
NBK makes paying bills flexible and easy. You can either:
- Pay 8.33% of the monthly outstanding balance due or a minimum monthly payment of KD 20, whichever is more
- Settle the outstanding amount in full
How do I find participating outlets of the NBK Rewards Program?
All participating outlets can be found at the NBK Reward Center.
Alternatively you can check the NBK Rewards Booklet, available in all branches. However, please note that the list of partner outlets is subject to change at any time.
You can also contact NBK Call Center at 1801801 to find out about the latest partners or to confirm the discount percentage at a particular partner.
What are the main terms and conditions of NBK Rewards?
Unlike other reward schemes, you will be pleased to know that you are guaranteed to get your NBK Rewards Points because they are automatically calculated by the Point of Sale machine when you pay with any of your NBK Credit Cards at NBK Partner Outlets. Your NBK Rewards Points are active for up to 24 months from the date of earning them. However, points cannot be earned during sale periods at discounts and offers.
Where can I use my NBK Credit Cards?
NBK Credit Cards are second to none when it comes to acceptance. You can use them both locally and internationally, at ATMs and at numerous merchants.
What is defined as a premium credit card?
Cards that come under this category include Visa Signature, World Mastercard, Platinum Visa, Platinum Mastercard and all Titanium Mastercard Cards
Visa Signature Credit Card
Do I need to be an NBK Privilege Banking Customer to apply?
Yes, to be eligible for the Visa Signature Credit Card you must be a Privilege Banking Customer.
At which airport lounges do I get complimentary access with my card?
You will be delighted to know that your card gives you access to over 500 lounges at more than 300 airports worldwide. For more details please visit Visa’s LoungeKey website.
At which luxury hotels do I get special offers?
Your card brings you a wealth of benefits at numerous 5-star properties worldwide. For a list of luxury hotels and for reservations, please visit Visa’s luxury hotels website.
How do I get instant discounts offered for the NBK Visa Signature Credit Card?
Using your instant discounts is easy. For immediate discounts simply inform the counter staff that you will be settling your bill with your NBK Visa Signature Credit Card.
How can I get NBK Reward Points?
Your NBK Visa Signature Credit Card makes receiving NBK Reward Points simple. Present your card at any NBK Partner Outlets to earn NBK Reward Points. For example, if you spend KD 100 at a partner outlet, you will earn KD 10 worth of NBK Rewards Points. NBK Rewards Points can be instantly redeemed at the Point of Sale machine when paying for your purchases at the participating outlets.
How do I find out more about Visa Signature purchase protection, fraud protection and extended warranty?
Never again worry about expensive purchases being damaged or stolen. Your NBK Visa Signature Credit Card insures you against theft or accidental damage for up to a maximum of USD 20,000 per year, within one year from the date of purchase.
Your card also provides you with extended warranty on new purchases for a 12-month period in addition to the original manufacturer’s warranty period. Extended warranty covers repair or replacement of new purchases of up to USD 6,000 per year.
- Purchase Protection Insurance Policy, terms and conditions
- Extended Warranty Insurance Policy, terms and conditions
For more information, visit
24 hours assistance line +971 (4) 253 6024
Miles World Mastercard Credit Card
What is the annual fee for the NBK Miles World Mastercard Credit Card?
The annual fee for the primary card is KD 50, and for the Supplementary card KD 50, and they are charged from the first year of issuing the card and every year thereafter.
What customers are eligible to apply for the card?
All customers age 21 years and above with a minimum monthly income of KD 600 or by blocking an amount to issue the card are eligible for the NBK Miles World Mastercard Credit Card. The card is designed for customers who are frequent travelers and prefer having a travel/miles loyalty program instead of the NBK Rewards loyalty program.
Where can I apply for the NBK Miles World Mastercard Credit Card?
You can apply for the card at NBK branches, through NBK Call Center, and through NBK Mobile Banking App or NBK Online Banking.
When can I start earning NBK Miles Points? And how does the NBK Miles Program work?
When using the NBK Miles World Mastercard Credit Card for the first time, or when using an NBK Credit Card for the first time which has the NBK Miles Program, each cardholder will get 10,000 bonus NBK Miles Points regardless of the amount spent using the card. After the first usage of the card, every KD 1 spent in Kuwait gives 3 Miles Points, and every KD 1 spent abroad gives 5 Miles Points.
How does the new NBK Miles World Mastercard Credit Card compared to the NBK World Mastercard?
The NBK Miles World Mastercard Credit Card offers the NBK Miles Program instead of the NBK Rewards Program, and the annual fee for the primary and supplementary cards are each KD 50. The NBK World Mastercard Credit Card offers the NBK Rewards Program, but does not offer the NBK Miles Program. All other benefits of the NBK Miles World Mastercard Credit Card are the same as the benefits of the NBK World Mastercard Credit Card.
When using the supplementary NBK Miles World Mastercard, do the NBK Miles Points accumulate on the supplementary card, or on the primary NBK Miles World Mastercard?
All usage and spends on the supplementary NBK Miles World Mastercard get accumulated on to the primary card, and only the primary cardholder can redeem the NBK Miles Points to purchase airline tickets, hotel accommodations and car rentals for him/herself or for anyone.
Can I redeem my NBK Miles Points at travel agencies or directly through the airlines, or on other travel websites?
No, NBK Miles Points cannot be redeemed directly through the airlines or at other travel websites. Your NBK Miles Points can only be redeemed at the dedicated site
Do my NBK Miles Points expire?
Yes, the NBK Miles Points expire 3 years after acquiring the points.
What other NBK Cards have the miles program and is there a fee for the program?
The Visa Signature and Visa Infinite credit cards have the NBK Rewards and the NBK Miles Programs, but the Visa Signature cardholder will have to manually request for enrollment into the NBK Miles Program at the nearest NBK branch at no additional cost.
To earn NBK Miles Points, where can I use my NBK Miles card or my other NBK Credit Cards that have the miles program?
You get NBK Miles Points when using your card(s) in Kuwait and/or abroad for point of sale/in-store purchases, for online purchases and payments (including bill payments), and for cash advances on your card.
Can I transfer my NBK Miles Points to someone else?
No, only the primary cardholder can redeem the NBK Miles Points earned on the primary card and the supplementary card(s) to book airline tickets, hotels and rental cars for him/herself, and for the supplementary cardholder or for anyone else.
How many NBK Miles Points do I need to make a booking?
A minimum of 10,000 NBK Miles Points are required in order to make any type of travel booking. The number of points required for booking airline tickets to various destinations, or hotels or for car rentals varies depending on the airline, hotel, car rental company, the booking dates, destination, class of travel, type and location of hotel, as well as the type and location of the car rented.
If I lost my NBK Credit Card or if it is stolen or expired and it still has NBK Miles Points, will the points be transfer to my new or renewed Credit Card?
Yes, if your credit card that has NBK Miles Points is lost, stolen or expired, the points will be transferred to your new or renewed credit card.
Can I transfer my frequent flyer air miles/points from an airline rewards program to my NBK Miles Points?
No, the frequent flyer air miles/points from any airline rewards program cannot be transferred to your NBK Miles Points. You can only redeem your NBK Miles Points on the site to book airline tickets, hotels and car rentals, holiday packages, worldwide sightseeing tours, international travel insurance policy, purchase e-vouchers or e-gift cards and redeem them at more than 185 local and international brands, or tickets for sports events, and you will also accumulate air miles with the airlines’ frequent flyer programs.
Who can give me information about the NBK Miles World Mastercard and the NBK Miles program?
For general inquiries about the NBK Miles Card and the NBK Miles Program please contact the NBK Call Center at 1801801 when calling from within Kuwait, and at tel: +96522248361 when calling from abroad.
Which airlines and hotels are included? Are the hotels limited to a specific region?
The NBK Miles Program lets you redeem your NBK Miles Points at over 800 airlines, which include most major international airlines and budget airlines. The program also includes more than 150,000 hotels worldwide, as well as most of the well-known international brand names of car rental companies such as Budget, Avis, Ace, Hertz and others.
Can I purchase NBK Miles Points?
NBK Miles Points cannot be purchased, they are earned by using your credit card at point of sale/in-store purchases, for online purchases and payments (including bill payments) and on cash advances from your card.
How can I log in to the NBK Miles Program website?
Please visit the official NBK Miles Program website at Here you will be asked to register by creating a username and a password. Once registered, you will be able to log in to view your NBK Miles Points and to redeem your points for travel bookings.
What's the difference between NBK Miles Program and other programs?
The advantages of NBK Miles Program:
- Book with more than 800 airlines, fly from any destination and select any route to any destination
- Fly any time of the year, no black-out dates for travel bookings, and unlimited airline seats
- 3 Years Validity for all NBK Miles Points
- Book your accommodation at more than 150,000 hotels worldwide
- Rent a car from the best international car rental companies i.e. Hertz, Budget, Avis, Ace
- Book your sightseeing tours or buy your favorite sports event tickets
- Purchase e-vouchers or e-gift cards and redeem them at more than 185 local and international brands
- Easy online registration for NBK Miles Program at from anywhere and anytime
- Easy online redemption of NBK Miles Points from anywhere and anytime at to purchase airline tickets, hotel bookings and car rentals
- Earn miles with the airline miles/ loyalty program of more than 800 airlines
- Exchange your NBK Miles Points with the leading airline, hotel or shopping loyalty programs
Are there any black-out dates for when I cannot redeem my NBK Miles Points on the site
There are no black-out dates for redeeming your NBK Miles Points to purchase airline tickets, hotel accommodations, car rental, holiday packages, worldwide sightseeing tours, international travel insurance policy, purchase e-vouchers or e-gift cards and redeem them at more than 185 local and international brands, or sports events tickets on
How can I find out how many NBK Miles points I have earned?
For inquiries about your accumulated NBK Miles Points log in to the site, or call NBK Contact Center at 1801801, or log in to your NBK account through NBK Online Banking or NBK Mobile Banking.
Can I use my NBK Miles Points to upgrade my airline tickets?
When redeeming your NBK Miles Points you can choose to use all of your accumulated points to purchase airline tickets, hotel accommodations, car rental, holiday packages, worldwide sightseeing tours, international travel insurance policy, purchase e-vouchers or e-gift cards and redeem them at more than 185 local and international brands, and sports events tickets, or you can choose to use some of your points and pay the remaining cost of the booking with your credit card.
How does LoungeKey by Mastercard work?
Simply present your NBK Miles World Mastercard Credit Card along with your travel boarding pass mentioning "LoungeKey" to the lounge staff, and get instant access to any of the airport lounges participating in the LoungeKey program.
For any guests accompanying you, your NBK Miles World Mastercard Credit Card will be charged a flat rate of USD $32 per guest and per visit, at the time of visiting the lounge. Your travel journey begins at the airport lounge. Savor the travel experience with your NBK Miles World Mastercard Credit Card today.
Find out about participating airlines and lounges.
World Mastercard Credit Card
How do I find Discounts and Offers of the NBK Rewards Program?
All promotional offers and discounts can be found at the NBK Reward Center.
Alternatively you check the NBK Rewards Booklet, available in all branches. However, please note that the list of partner outlets is subject to change at any time. Therefore, you can check our updated list of NBK partner outlets.
You can also contact NBK Call Center at 1801801 to find out about the latest partners or to confirm the discount percentage at a particular partner.
How does LoungeKey by Mastercard work?
Simply present your NBK Miles World Mastercard Credit Card along with your travel boarding pass mentioning “LoungeKey” to the lounge staff, and get instant access to any of the airport lounges participating in the LoungeKey program.
For any guests accompanying you, your NBK Miles World Mastercard Credit Card will be charged a flat rate of USD $32 per guest and per visit, at the time of visiting the lounge. Your travel journey begins at the airport lounge! Savor the travel experience with your NBK Miles World Mastercard Credit Card today!
Find out about participating airlines and lounges.
All Prepaid Cards
What is a prepaid card?
A prepaid card is a form of payment where you can make a purchase using money that has been loaded from your bank account.
How do I load a prepaid card?
Prepaid cards can be loaded from your bank accounts only. You can arrange this in branch or via NBK Online or Mobile Banking.
What is the difference between a prepaid card and any other card?
The main benefit to using a prepaid card is to provide the customer with the convenience of budgeting their spending. Prepaid cards are also more widely accepted for making Internet purchases.
How can I load a prepaid card using cash money?
The money has to be deposited into a bank account before it can be transferred to a prepaid card.
What do I do in case of emergency?
In case your card is lost or stolen, you can immediately call NBK Call Center to block your card at 1801801 or +96522248361. A new card will be issued.
What does the free travel insurance cover?
All air tickets purchased with your card come with complimentary travel inconvenience insurance that protects you against personal accident, baggage loss or delay, and flight delay or cancellation.
Foreign Currency Prepaid Card
What are the available currencies on the card?
The card is available in 8 different currencies, which are USD, EUR, GBP, AED, INR, EGP, JOD, and SAR.
Can I request to have the card in more than one currency?
No, however you can apply for more than one card each holding your desired currency.
Where can this card be used?
The card can be used when shopping online, on POS machines, and on ATMS to withdraw cash.
How can I load the card?
Through NBK Online Banking, NBK IVR, NBK Call Center, or any NBK Branch.
Can I apply for a supplementary card?
Yes you can through NBK Branches or NBK Call Center.
Can I use the Single Foreign Currency Prepaid Card locally in Kuwait?
Yes, the card can be used locally and anywhere around the world.
What are the documents required to apply for this card?
A valid Civil ID, and your signature on the application form. When applying for the card online, all you have to do is to agree on the set terms and conditions.
Can I apply for the card without having an account with NBK?
It is required to have an active account with NBK to be able to apply for the card.
What is the minimum load/unload amount?
KD 1 is the minimum load/unload amount or what's equivalent to it in other currencies.
How can I pick up my card?
Based on your request, the card can be picked up from the branch or it can be delivered to your preffered address.
Internet Visa Prepaid Card
Can I use this card to withdraw cash from ATM machines?
No, this is only available for online transactions.
Multicurrency Prepaid Card
What is NBK Multicurrency Prepaid Card?
The NBK Multicurrency Prepaid Card enables you to load up to 15 currencies in one card. It is the perfect way to control and manage your expenses. The NBK Multicurrency Prepaid Card allows you to plan, budget and enjoy using your cards without having to worry about fluctuating exchange rates or unsafe locations for exchanging money. Now with the NBK Multicurrency Prepaid Card you don’t have to carry multiple cards or cash in different currencies if you are visiting multiple destinations. It gives you the flexibility to reload the card through NBK Online Banking and NBK Mobile Banking. As it is a prepaid card, you only spend the money that you load on it locally and internationally. When using your NBK Prepaid Cards you can get NBK Rewards Points and redeem it at more than 850 partner outlets across Kuwait.
Who is eligible for NBK Multicurrency Prepaid Card?
Anyone above 18 years of age.
How many currencies does the card hold?
The NBK Multicurrency Prepaid Card has 15 currencies: USD – EUR – GBP – SGD – CHF – CAD – INR – OMR – JOD – AED – BHD – QAR – SAR – EGP – KWD
Is NBK Rewards Program included with the card?
How can I reload my NBK Multicurrency Prepaid Card?
You can reload your NBK Multicurrency Prepaid Card through NBK Call Center, NBK Mobile Banking App and NBK Online Banking.
Which account can I load my prepaid card from?
You can load your card from any KWD account to any currency of your NBK Multicurrency Prepaid Card.
Can I transfer from a currency to another on my NBK Multicurrency Prepaid Card?
Yes. You can easily transfer from one currency to another in one step.
Can I withdraw cash from my NBK Multicurrency Prepaid Card?
You can withdraw cash easily through NBK ATMs locally and all ATMs that accept. Mastercard internationally.
What is the annual fee for the NBK Multicurrency Prepaid Card?
The annual fee is KD 15
How can I check the balance on my NBK Multicurrency Prepaid Card?
You can check the card balance through NBK Online Banking, NBK Mobile Banking, NBK ATMs or by contacting NBK Call Center 1801801.
If I’m in the US and I don’t have money in my USD wallet, will it be deducted from my main KWD wallet?
Yes. It will be deducted automatically from the main wallet which is the Kuwaiti Dinar wallet. Then if there aren’t sufficient funds, the transaction will be declined.
What should I do if I lose my card?
If your card is lost or stolen, contact NBK Call Center immediately at 1801801 when calling from within Kuwait and dial +965 2224 8361 when calling from abroad. NBK will immediately block your card from unauthorized transactions. Please remember your card number when calling.
Can I choose the 15 currencies?
The card comes with 15 currencies, you can select any of the 15 currencies available on the card.
Can I use the card in a currency that does not appear as a wallet on the card?
You can use your card in any currency you wish and the amount will be deducted from your KWD wallet.
If I apply for the card today, when will I receive it?
Your new card will be delivered to you within 5 working days.
All Debit Cards
What should I do if my card is lost or stolen?
NBK makes sure our cardholders are as safe as possible. If your card is lost or stolen, contact the NBK Call Center immediately at 1801801 when calling from within Kuwait and dial +965 2224 8361 when calling from abroad. NBK Call Center will immediately block your card from unauthorized transactions.
When I am overseas, should I pay in KD or another currency?
To avoid extra charges, always request to pay in the local currency of the country you are visiting.
For example, if you are visiting the United Arab Emirates, make sure you insist on paying in AED. If you pay in Kuwaiti Dinars while abroad, you will be charged more in currency conversion rates which could be an additional 3 to 5% of your total bill amount.
Can I withdraw cash from ATMs?
Yes, you can withdraw cash from any of NBK’s conveniently placed ATMs. What’s more, you can withdraw 100% of your available funds.
Privilege Banking Debit Card
What does purchase protection cover?
Up to 24 months from the date the item is purchased and covers up to $20,000 per year maximum.
How can I become an NBK Privilege Package Customer?
All you have to do is meet one of the following criteria;
- Your monthly salary must be transferred to NBK if not already and be at least KD 3,000 per month, for 3 consecutive months*
- Alternatively if you deposit of KD 100,000 or more in any interest or non-interest bearing NBK Account including Al Jawhara, Term Deposit or any NBK Investment Funds for 3 consecutive months*
*If the average salary, account or fund balance falls below the minimum required amount for three consecutive months, a monthly service fee of KD 50 will be deducted from your personal account at the bank or Privilege Banking Services will be discontinued.
Thahabi Debit Card
What does purchase protection cover?
Up to 24 months from the date the item is purchased and covers up to $20,000 per year maximum.
How can I become an NBK Thahabi Package Customer?
To become an NBK Thahabi Package holder you must meet one of the following;
- Your monthly salary must be transferred to NBK, if not already and must be between KD 1,500 to KD 2,999*
- Alternatively you can deposit KD 30,000 or more in any interest or non-interest bearing NBK Account including Al Jawhara, Term Deposit or any NBK Investment Funds for 3 consecutive months*
*If the average salary, account or fund balance falls below the minimum required amount for three consecutive months, a monthly service fee of KD 25 will be deducted from your personal account at the bank or Thahabi Premium Banking Services will be discontinued.
What is NBK Tap & Pay?
NBK Tap & Pay is a convenient feature that lets you pay with your NBK Card by simply tapping it on a Tap & Pay enabled POS instead of inserting or swiping your NBK card.
Which of my NBK Cards are enabled for NBK Tap & Pay?
All NBK Visa Credit and Debit Cards except for NBK Visa Classic, NBK Visa Gold Card and NBK Al-Amil Debit Card.
How will my transaction be authorized?
The purchase will be authorized, processed and billed in the same secure way it is today. All you have to do is confirm that the symbol of NBK Tap & Pay is on your card and confirm that the store you are in is a participating outlet.
Will all merchants be part of the NBK Tap and Pay service?
The NBK Tap & Pay network will be expanded to reach all local and international merchants.
Which transactions are typically suitable for NBK Tap & Pay functionality?
All Transactions that are below KD 100 are suitable for Tap & Pay functionality. Transactions with value below KD 25 only require to be tapped on to POS to facilitate payment; no PIN is required.
For transactions between KD25.001 and KD100, it is possible to use Tap & Pay with a PIN.
Transactions of KD100 and above are not possible with NBK Tap & Pay.
Can I still use my NBK Tap & Pay Cards on point of sale machines that do not support this service?
Yes you can, by conducting your payments in the normal/traditional way.
How does the NBK Tap & Pay service work?
NBK Tap & Pay cards have an embedded antenna and microchip, enabling "contactless" communication with a reader at the checkout. No swiping, inserting, signing or PIN entry is required for purchases under the merchant's set limit. If your purchase is over the merchant's set limit, you may be asked to swipe or insert your card and enter your PIN instead.
How can I get the new NBK Tap & Pay Card?
You can visit any NBK branch to request a new NBK Tap & Pay Card, or simply call the NBK Call Center on 1801801 for more information.
Is the service secure?
NBK Tap & Pay Card uses EMV chip technology, which provides enhanced security and protection from fraud. NBK Tap & Pay transactions are processed through the same secure and reliable network used for all card transactions. And because your card or mobile device never leaves your hand during the entire Tap and Pay transaction, the risk of your card being used for fraudulent transactions is reduced.
Could I accidently be charged twice for the same transaction?
This is not possible because for every transaction you will have to enter the value and a receipt will be printed as soon as you tap the card.
Will I have to use a PIN for all my card transactions?
To help you complete your transactions faster, your PIN won’t be used for any transaction up to KD 25. Any transaction that exceeds KD 25 entering your PIN is required.
Can I change the PIN on my credit or debit card? If so, how can I do it?
You can easily change your PIN through any NBK ATM.
If I replace my existing NBK Debit Card to get a new card with the NBK Tap & Pay service, will it impact my NBK Online Banking or Mobile Banking?
If your card has already expired and renewed automatically, it won’t impact your online or mobile banking.
If a new contactless card is requested, we recommend you call the NBK Call Center to retrieve your list of beneficiaries once you have registered again for NBK Online Banking.
Can I pay for any purchases using my NBK Tap & Pay Wristband or Sticker?
Yes, paying for everyday items is as easy as tapping your wristband or sticker on the NBK Tap & Pay enabled POS terminal. No PIN is needed for transactions of less than KD 25.
How to do I use my NBK Tap & Pay Wristband or Sticker to pay?
By tapping it on an NBK Tap & Pay enabled POS terminal. No PIN is needed for transactions of less than KD 25.
What is the difference between my NBK Tap & Pay Wristband or Sticker and my standard NBK Debit, Prepaid or Credit Card?
A standard NBK Card would allow you to pay for purchases worth more than KD 100, while with NBK Tap & Pay Wristbands or Stickers, there is no need to carry a wallet. Your NBK Tap & Pay Wristbands or Stickers can be used to pay for items worth up to KD 100. If you wish to do a transaction using your NBK Tap & Pay for more than KD 100, you can use it online.
Do I need to keep my NBK Prepaid Card with me when I want to use my NBK Tap & Pay Wristband or Sticker for payment?
NBK Tap & Pay Wristbands and Stickers are standalone payment instruments – there is no need to have any NBK Card or even your mobile with you. We recommend to keep the wearable frame in a safe place to use the available information whenever needed.
Can I use my NBK Tap & Pay Wristband or Sticker at any POS to pay for purchases?
Use your NBK Tap & Pay Wristbands and Stickers at any of the more than 4,000 NBK Tap & Pay enabled POS terminals in Kuwait, and millions of POS terminals around the world.
Can I use my NBK Tap & Pay Wristband or Sticker to pay for online purchases? If so, how can I do it?
Simply enter the card number and CVV, expiry date, name on card to complete the transaction. Your card number is available on the back of the wearable frame.
Can I use my NBK Tap & Pay Wristband or Sticker for purchases of more than KD 100?
Payments worth up to KD 100 can be made with your NBK Tap & Pay Wristband or Sticker. If you wish to make transactions of more than KD 100, your Wristband or Sticker can be only used for online payments.
Can I change the PIN of my NBK Tap & Pay Wristband or Sticker?
No, for your security this is not possible. If you forget your PIN, you can view it through NBK Online Banking or you can visit your nearest NBK branch to get a new PIN.
What do I need to do if I forget or lose my PIN?
If you forget or lose your PIN, you can view it through NBK Online Banking or you can visit your nearest NBK branch to get a new PIN.
Do I need to affix my NBK Tap & Pay Sticker to my mobile phone?
No, you can choose wherever you want to place it. It is recommended to affix it to a flat surface and something that you carry with you all the time, like your mobile phone.
How do I load more funds onto my NBK Tap & Pay Wristband or Sticker?
Through NBK Online Banking or NBK Mobile Banking, by calling the NBK Call Center on 1801801 or by visiting any NBK branch.
Do I earn NBK Reward Points for using my NBK Tap & Pay Wristband or Sticker at NBK Rewards Partners?
Yes, you do. Using your NBK Tap & Pay Wristband or Sticker at NBK Rewards Partners allows you to earn NBK Reward Points at any of the more than 700 partner outlets.
Is it safe to load funds onto my NBK Tap & Pay Wristband or Sticker? Will it be possible to take money from my NBK Tap & Pay Wristband or Sticker?
NBK applies the highest levels of security and privacy features on its NBK Tap & Pay Wristbands, Stickers and Cards and keeps abreast of international best practices.
Can I buy NBK Tap & Pay Wristbands or Stickers for my family members to use?
Yes, the settlement account can be the parent’s account or it can be linked to their current account.
How will I know if a merchant is participating in the NBK Tap & Pay Service?
An NBK Tap & Pay Sticker will be posted on every POS terminal that accepts NBK Tap & Pay Cards, Stickers and Wristbands.
What should I do if the merchant requested to swipe the card after conducting the payment?
Please provide the merchant with the last 4 digits mentioned on the sticker or mini tag.
What is NBK Secure Shopping?
NBK Secure Shopping adds another authentication step for online payments. It was developed by Visa to improve the security of Internet payments and offered to customers as the Verified by Visa service. Mastercard also offers this to customers under the name Mastercard Secure Code. This authentication is based on a three-domain model hence the 3D in the name 3D Secure Shopping.
Will I need to apply for a new credit card to use NBK Secure Shopping?
No, you will be able to use your existing NBK Credit Card.
Do I have to pay for NBK Secure Shopping service?
NBK Secure Shopping is a free and automatic service provided by NBK to all NBK Credit Cardholders.
How does it work?
All online transactions performed with your NBK Card at participating 3D Secure enabled merchant websites will require you to enter an OTP in order to complete the transaction. If the merchant is not 3D Secure enabled, you will not be required to enter an OTP.
The steps involved in receiving the OTP and completing the online transaction are mentioned below:
- Shop online at any 3D Secure enabled online merchant site and checkout
- Enter your NBK Card details during checkout
- You will receive the OTP on your mobile and E-mail address registered with the Bank
- Enter the OTP in the authentication screen
- Transaction will be completed after successful verification
After you have entered your OTP correctly, NBK will authenticate all details and following successful verification, the transaction will be authorized.
How does 3D Secure authentication protect against unauthorized online transactions?
When using your NBK Card for online transactions at 3D Secure enabled merchant websites, an OTP will be sent to your mobile number and E-mail address registered with the bank. You will be required to enter this OTP to complete the transaction. This is to ensure that the transaction on your card is performed only by you and protects you against any unauthorized use of your card while shopping online.
Do I need to register for Mastercard SecureCode / Verified by Visa authentication?
There is no registration required for Mastercard SecureCode / Verified by Visa authentication for NBK Cards.
What happens if I enter the OTP incorrectly?
If the OTP is entered incorrectly, you will be prompted to enter the correct OTP. If you enter the OTP incorrectly 3 times then the transaction cannot be completed. In such case, you will need to call 1801801.
If you have not received the OTP you could request for the OTP to be resent by clicking the “Resend” button on the screen. If your do not receive the OTP, please call 1801801.
What is the validity of the OTP?
The OTP is valid for 15 minutes only.
What will happen if the OTP expires before I could complete my transaction?
The OTP is valid for 15 minutes. If you enter an expired OTP to complete the transaction, the transaction will not be authorized. You need to click on the “Resend” button on screen to receive a new OTP.
Can I use the same OTP to complete more than one transaction?
No. The OTP can be used only for the specific transaction for which it was requested. Once the OTP has been used to complete a transaction, the same OTP cannot be used to complete another transaction.
Will the OTP be shared with the merchant?
The OTP entered by you will not be shared with the merchant. This will be validated by NBK to confirm authenticity of the person performing the online transaction.
Is the Mastercard SecureCode / Verified by Visa authentication process applicable for all online transactions?
No. This additional authentication process is applicable only when you shop at participating online merchants that have enabled this security feature. 3D Secure enabled online merchants will display the “Verified by Visa” or “Mastercard SecureCode” logos on their payment pages.
How can I identify participating 3D Secure enabled merchants?
3D Secure enabled online merchants will display the “Verified by Visa” or “Mastercard SecureCode” logos on their payment pages.
How can I update my mobile number and E-mail address?
You can update your mobile number or email address by visiting your nearest NBK Branch or by logging into NBK Online Banking or by contacting NBK on 1801801.
Terms and conditions apply
Will all my credit or prepaid card payment information be automatically updated?
No, Billing Updater From NBK is only available to participating merchants, and they can choose the frequency at which they check for updated payment information. To avoid late payments and penalties, you must take steps to ensure your credit or eligible prepaid card information is updated.
Can I choose to opt out of Billing Updater From NBK?
Yes, you can. To opt out, simply call 1801801.
What are card-on-file transactions and automated payments?
Card-on-file transactions are payments processed using a card number you’ve stored with a merchant, service provider or website by creating an account and saving your credit card information, like:
- Transportation services (ex. Uber or Careem)
- Online retailers (Amazon)
- Movies, music, and eBook download services
- Online payment services (PayPal)
Automated payments are recurring payments you set up with a merchant or service provider, like:
- Telecom services
- Cable or television services
- Utilities
- Music subscriptions
- Gym membership
- Anti-virus software
- Insurance fees
What is a money market fund?
A money market fund's purpose is to provide investors with high level of liquidity by investing in diversified and high quality money market instruments. It is a type of mutual fund characterized as a low-risk investment.
What is an equity fund?
An equity fund is a mutual fund that invests mainly in stocks. Equity funds are also known as stock funds.
Is NBK Wealth part of NBK?
NBK Wealth is part of the NBK Group and is a subsidiary of NBK.
What is POS Redemption?
POS Redemption service will allow NBK Credit Cardholders to instantly redeem their NBK Rewards Points balance on the spot at the Point of Sale Machines (i.e. shop or restaurant) while paying for their purchases in participating NBK Rewards Outlets. This means that the NBK Rewards Points can be used to pay for their purchases.
What is the validity of NBK Rewards Points?
NBK Rewards Points balance is valid for 24 months from the date of the transaction.
Can I accumulate and redeem points through all NBK cards?
No, only through using NBK Credit Cards.
When can I start earning NBK Miles Points, and how does NBK Miles Program work?
When using NBK Miles World Mastercard Credit Card for the first time, or when using an NBK Credit Card for the first time which has NBK Miles Program, each cardholder will get 10,000 NBK Miles Bonus Points regardless of the amount spent using the card. After the first usage of the card, every KD 1 spent in Kuwait gives 3 Miles Points, and every KD 1 spent abroad gives 5 Miles Points.
To earn NBK Miles Points where can I use my NBK Miles Mastercard Credit Card or my other NBK Credit Cards that have the NBK Miles Program?
You get NBK Miles Points when using your card(s) in Kuwait and/ or abroad for point of sale/ in-store purchases, for online purchases and payments (including bill payments), and for cash advances on your card.
Which airlines and hotels are included? Are the hotels limited to a specific region?
NBK Miles Program lets you redeem your NBK Miles Points at over 800 airlines, which include most major international airlines and budget airlines. The program also includes more than 150,000 hotels worldwide, as well as most of the well-known international brand names of car rental companies such as Budget, Avis, Ace, Hertz and others.
Can I transfer my NBK Miles Points to any other airlines or hotels?
Yes, you can transfer your NBK Miles Points to your preferred airline, hotel or loyalty membership program in easy and convenient steps online. You can visit and choose points exchange, then select your preferred hotel, airline, or shopping program to transfer your NBK Miles Points. After filling in the required details, NBK Miles Points will be transferred within 14 business days.
How can I get in touch with NBK Miles Program representatives?
- Contact Center: Customer Service around the clock to have all your inquiries answered properly and fulfill all your needs.
- Local Branches: We offer a wide range of convenient and personalized services at local travel agent branches, helping you be even more effective at managing your travel bookings.
- WhatsApp Support: As you go about your day, it is reassuring to know your bank is always close by. With NBK WhatsApp, it will be wherever you need us to be
What is Garmin Pay?
Garmin Pay are free contactless payment solutions used by NFC technology within Garmin supported smartwatches. These services are secure as using your physical card and has no access to your banking details.
What are the NBK Cards that support Garmin Pay?
- All NBK Visa and Mastercard Credit Cards
- All NBK Debit Cards
- NBK-Kuwait Airways (Oasis Club) Visa Platinum Prepaid Card
Which Garmin smartwatches support this service?
Supported Garmin smartwatches are:
- Vivoactive 3 & 4
- Vivoactive 3 Musi
- Forerunner 645 & 94
- Forerunner 645 Music
- Fenix 5S Plus & 6
- Fenix 5 Plus
- Fenix 5X Plus
- D2 Delta S
- D2 Delta
- D2 Delta PX
How to add or remove cards from Garmin smartwatches?
- Download the latest Garmin App on your iOS or Android smartphone
- Click on “Wallet” in your profile and follow the on-screen instructions to add your NBK Credit, Debit or Prepaid Card
- After adding the card details, read the service terms and conditions and click “Agree”
- Finally, verify the card by choosing “SMS” and enter the OTP sent on your registered mobile number with NBK
How many cards can I register?
You can register up to 6 cards.
Where can I use Garmin Pay?
You can use these services at any merchant with NFC-enabled POS terminal.
Simply look for the contactless symbol. Garmin Pay cannot be used for online shopping.
Will I still earn NBK Miles Points, Oasis Club Miles and NBK Rewards Points through Garmin Pay?
Yes, you will still earn NBK Miles Points, Oasis Club Miles and NBK Rewards Points.
What if I need to return an item I bought using Garmin Pay?
Have your store receipt with you and follow the normal process for returning any item.
Where can I see the list of my transactions?
You can view your last 3 transactions from Garmin App. For the full list, please refer to NBK Online Banking or NBK Mobile Banking.
What should I do if I lost my card or Garmin smartwatch?
Lost Card: Report your lost card immediately via NBK Mobile Banking App or by calling 1801801.
Lost Garmin smartwatch: Use your smartphone to remove the cards from Garmin App.
Can I continue using Garmin Pay if my physical card has been replaced?
No, you will need to add the new card to your smartwatch.
What to do in case I upgraded to a new smartwatch or gave away my current one?
You should wipe the data from your old smartwatch and then re-add your cards to the new smartwatch.
For any other inquiry, call 1801801.
What is Samsung Wallet?
Samsung Wallet is a simple and convenient way for digital payments at POS purchases. The service is available on compatible Samsung devices.
What is the fee to use Samsung Wallet?
Samsung Wallet is free of charge.
Which NBK Cards are eligible for Samsung Wallet?
All NBK Visa and Mastercard Credit Cards, all NBK Debit Cards and NBK-Kuwait Airways (Oasis Club) Visa Platinum Prepaid Card are eligible to use Samsung Wallet.
Which devices support Samsung Wallet?
Samsung Wallet is supported on the following devices:
- Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra
- Samsung Galaxy Note 20
- Samsung Galaxy Fold
- Samsung Galaxy Z Flip
- Samsung Galaxy 20 & S20+
- Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra
- Samsung Galaxy S10e/ S10 Lite
- Samsung Galaxy S10
- Samsung Galaxy S10+
- Samsung Galaxy S9
- Samsung Galaxy S9+
- Samsung Galaxy S8
- Samsung Galaxy S8+
- Samsung Galaxy S7
- Samsung Galaxy S7 edge
- Samsung Galaxy S6 edge+
- Samsung Galaxy Note10
- Samsung Galaxy Note10+
- Samsung Galaxy Note10 Lite
- Samsung Galaxy Note9
- Samsung Galaxy Note8
- Samsung Galaxy Note5
- Samsung Galaxy A30s
- Samsung Galaxy A31
- Samsung Galaxy A51
- Samsung Galaxy A70
- Samsung Galaxy A71 and & 71-5G
- Samsung Galaxy A80
- Samsung Galaxy A90
- Samsung Galaxy A8
- Samsung Galaxy A8+ (2018)
- Samsung Galaxy A7 (2016/2017)
- Samsung Galaxy A5 (2016/2017)
- Samsung Galaxy A3 (2017)
- Samsung Galaxy X Cover Pro
- Samsung Galaxy Watch 3
- Samsung Galaxy Watch
- Samsung Galaxy Watch Active and Galaxy Watch Active 2Samsung Gear Sport
- Samsung Gear S3
How does Samsung Wallet work?
Just like NBK Tap & Pay, Samsung Wallet uses proprietary Magnetic Secure Transmission (MST) and Near Field Communication (NFC) to make contactless mobile payments. The service is as secure as using your physical card and has no access to your banking details.
Can I view my transactions made through Samsung Wallet?
You can view your last 10 transactions on Samsung Wallet App.
Where is Samsung Wallet available worldwide?
The service is available in Kuwait, South Korea, USA, China, Spain, Australia, Singapore, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Russia, Canada, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Sweden UAE, UK, Switzerland, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Belarus, Mexico, Italy, France, and South Africa.
Can I register the same card with more than one device using Samsung Wallet?
Yes, you can register the same card with more than one device.
Do I need internet connection to register my card for Samsung Wallet?
Yes, you need internet connection to register your card.
Do I need internet connection to pay using Samsung Wallet?
No, internet connection is only required to register a new card.
What should I do if my device is lost or stolen?
If your device is lost or stolen, you can use Samsung’s “Find My Mobile” service to “Lock Samsung Wallet” (remotely disable) or to “Wipe Samsung Wallet” (remove all the payment cards registered onto your device). Please visit for further information. Also notify NBK by calling 1801801.
What should I do if my card is lost or stolen?
You should first notify NBK to issue a replacement card, then remove the card from Samsung Wallet and register the new card once received.
How many cards can I register for Samsung Wallet?
You can register up to 10 payment cards for Samsung Wallet, including credit, debit and prepaid cards.
What should I do in case I upgrade to a new device or give away my current device?
You should wipe the data from your old device and then re-add your cards to the new device.
For any other queries, please call 1801801.
What is Google Pay?
Google Pay is a fast, simple way to make contactless payments in store and pay in-app or online. You can pay with your Android device using any eligible NBK Credit, Debit or Prepaid Card. Simply add your card to Google Wallet for secure access and use Google Pay everywhere contactless payments are accepted.
How do I get Google Wallet on my device?
Google Wallet may be pre-installed on selected devices. If your device does not have the app, simply download it from Google Play. Android devices with Lollipop 5.0 and up can download the app, but Nougat 7.0 is required to add or view cards and passes, or make tap-to-pay transactions.
How is Google Wallet secure?
Security and privacy are built into every part of Google Wallet to keep all your essentials protected. When you pay, Google Pay doesn’t share your actual card number, so your payment information stays safe.
How do payments with Google Pay work?
Google Pay uses Near Field Communication (NFC) to make contactless mobile payments. This ensures that Google Pay will work everywhere contactless payments are accepted.
What should I do if I lose my original payment card?
If your card is lost or stolen, please contact us immediately. Your physical card will be blocked, and a new card will be sent to you. Since the payment cards on Google Wallet are digital versions of your physical payment cards, you need to remove the original payment card from Google Wallet and register with the replacement card.
Will my card information still be on Google Wallet and my device if it is formatted?
No, formatting your device will remove all payment cards registered on your device.
How many cards can I add to Google Wallet?
There is no limit to how many cards you can add to Google Wallet. However, you can register only up to 6 NBK Cards .
How can I change my default card on Google Pay?
To change your default card:
- Open Google Wallet app
- Swipe until you find the card that you’d like to make your default card
- Tap the card
- At the bottom, tap details and then select ‘Make default’ for tap-to-pay
Will I still earn rewards and benefits on my card when I pay with Google Pay?
You will get all the benefits, rewards and protection that your credit, debit or prepaid cards currently provide when you pay with Google Pay.
Are there any charges for Google Wallet or Google Pay?
There are no charges for using Google Wallet and Google Pay.
How will I know a transaction was successful?
After completing a payment using Google Pay, a payment confirmation will be displayed on your mobile screen. Additionally, you will continue to receive transaction alerts through SMS on your registered mobile number.
Can I configure Google Pay on multiple devices?
Yes, you can configure and use Google Pay on multiple devices.
For more information, please visit (website)
What is the new requirement for the lounge benefit?
To continue enjoying lounge access, you must make at least one international transaction of USD 1 (or equivalent in another currency) every 3 months, online or in-store.
When does the new requirement take effect?
Starting 1 April 2025, you will need to log into the Mastercard Travel Pass app and re-enter your card details if you already have an account. If you do not have an existing account, you will need to register.
Do I need to make a minimum USD 1 transaction before 1 April 2025?
Yes, any international transaction of at least USD 1 or its equivalent in local currency made between 1 January to 31 March, 2025 will give you complimentary airport lounge access for 3 months from the date of the transaction.
If a minimum of USD 1 transaction is not made between 1 January and 31 March, 2025, will I still be able to access the lounge on 1 April 2025?
If you did not spend a minimum of USD 1 (or its equivalent in local currency) between 1 January and 31 March, then your lounge access benefit will be limited to 1 complimentary access for NBK Platinum and World Mastercard Credit Cardholders and 2 complimentary accesses for NBK World Elite Mastercard Credit Cardholders.
- What are the requirements to apply for a POS?
When applying for a POS terminal, you need to provide/submit the following documents.
For Companies;
- Copy of the article of association with all modifications if any
- Copy of the commercial license (Ministry of Commerce)
- Copy of the commercial registration (Chamber of Commerce)
- Copy of the Authorized Signatories signatory letter
- Copy of the owner(s) original Civil ID
- Copy of the original authorized signatory’s Civil ID (if different from the owner)
- Any proxies related to the company
For Establishments;
- Copy of the commercial license (Ministry of Commerce)
- Copy of the commercial registration (Chamber of Commerce)
- Copy of the Authorized Signatories signatory letter
- Copy of the owner(s) original Civil ID
- Copy of the original authorized signatory’s Civil ID (if different from the owner)
- Any proxies related to the company
The above documents are prerequisites to be able to assess and process your application and install the POS terminal.
- How long does it usually take to install a POS terminal?
Once all the above mentioned documents are processed, it will take 3 working days to install the terminal(s), provided your site, outlet or store is ready.
- What are the types of POS provided by NBK?
- Desktop GPRS Terminal
- Portable GPRS Terminal
- IP Terminal, which is an internet-based terminal and must be supported by one of the local internet service providers
- A Wi-Fi Terminal with router, which is a terminal that connects to the router via Wi-Fi to establish the required communication. - Intergrated POS (IPOS) Terminal
- How do I report failures in a POS terminal?
If your terminal is experiencing anytechnical problem, please call NBK immediately ontheKNET hotline 1805638, which is staffed 24/7.For discrepancies on transactions or any other related complaints you can contact NBK on the following numbers: 22592311/22593120/22592820 or e-mail NBK on -
How can I use the POS machine after installation, is there a manual?
Yes there is a manual and once any terminal is installed at your outlet, an NBK Merchant Team Member will pay you a visit the next working day and provide you with the necessary training.If you need any additional information or support, you can contact NBK’s Merchant Sales Officers on 22592981/22592593/22593296 or e-mail NBK on
Does NBK POS come with a reconciliation option (end of day/month)?
Yes, all NBK Terminals are equipped with a reconciliation option for the end of day or month. However, NBK strongly advise using the state-of-the-art merchant statement online (MSOL) facility where you can extract end of day details wherever you wish, at anytime.Reports generated from this system can be segregated on terminal level/merchant ID level and group level. This also enables you to segregate on card level.NBK will provide you with a confidential user ID and password upon request.
How can I apply for MSOL (Merchant Statement Online)?
Simply send an official letter to any NBK Branch. Alternatively write to NBK Branch at AlRaya Tower, M1 floor, send an e-mail to or send a fax to 22595664.
- What is the NBK Salary Portal?
A secure online service that companies can use to pay the salaries and/or allowance payments of their employees. No longer the need to visit NBK to request the processing of your salaries, this can now be done easily and conveniently from the comfort of your offices.
- Who can sign up for it?
Any company currently paying salaries and/or allowances to its employees.
- What documents are required?
- A completed and signed application form as well as an agreement to the terms and conditions
- Copies of the civil IDs of the company’s staff who will be using the salary portal to process the payments
- Does this mean I will no longer be able to get support to process this manually?
Manual processing will continue to be available till further notice.
- Where can I sign up for this service?
Speak to your NBK Relationship Officer
- How can I order and pick up the card?
The card can be requested through NBK branches’ Corporate/Private/Business Banking services by submitting an official request signed by the legal authorized personnel from the company/establishment.
The card and its PIN can be delivered to the legal authorized personnel of the company/establishment, or as mandated in the authorization letter.
- Where can I use NBK Government Related Cards?
Each card is either available at Kuwait National Petroleum Company (web portal) and Kuwait Oil Tanker Company (POS) OR at one or all of the following Kuwait Ministries or Government departments:
- Ministry of Social Affairs & Labor
- Ministry of InteriorMinistry of Health
- Ministry of Electricity & Water
- Ministry of Commerce & Industry
- Ministry of Justice
- Ministry of Communications
- Central Tenders Committee
- Kuwait Municipality
- Environment Public Authority
- Public Authority for Industry
- General Administration of Customs
- Kuwait Fire Service Directorate
Letters of credit
1. How do I apply for the issuance of an import letter of credit?
Liaise with your NBK Relationship Officer about your needs. To support the issuance of an import letter of credit, you will have to set up a line of credit. Once approved, complete the application for an irrevocable documentary credit and bring it to your NBK Relationship Officer.
If you require assistance in completing the application, you may our Trade Finance division.
2. What is the uniform customs and practice for documentary credits (UCP)?
The uniform customs and practice for documentary credits (UCP) is a set of recognized and internationally accepted rules for documentary credits published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in Paris, France. These rules are used in the international trade community for determining the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved in letters of credit, including standby letters of credit, where the letter of credit expressly stipulates that it is subject to the UCP.
3. What are the risks to the buyer in an import letter of credit?
Under an import letter of credit, the bank promises to make payment to the seller against the seller's presentation of pre-specified documents. However, it does not provide the buyer with protection if the seller presents documents that comply with the letter of credit but later prove to be fraudulent. If all appropriate documents are presented to the bank in absence of clear fraud, the bank will not be able to refuse payment should a dispute arise between the buyer and seller.
To reduce this risk, a buyer should thoroughly investigate prospective sellers. Our Trade finance experts will assist you in compiling this information using public information available from their global contacts.
4. In what situations would I use a standby letter of credit?
A standby LC provides security to a beneficiary in that promises to pay the beneficiary upon presentation of pre-specified documents. The following are some instances where standby letters of credit are used:
- The buyer to purchase goods without having to make a cash deposit
- Performance related during the tender process of a contract
- Support contractual / payment obligations
5. Can a standby letter of credit be cancelled prior to expiry?
Yes. A standby letter of credit can be cancelled prior to expiry by having the beneficiary return the original standby LC to the Trade Finance division along with a letter printed on the beneficiary’s letterhead, addressing their agreement to the standby letter of credit cancellation.
6. What are standard charges to issue letters of credit?
The commission rate is based upon the risk assumed by collateral and your financial strength.
Commission is collected at the time of issuance of the letter of credit.
Other charges may include correspondent bank charges and expenses incurred by relating to the letter of credit such as courier, swift charges, etc.
7. What is a sight letter of credit?
A letter of credit that is payable once it stipulated documents are present and document has no discrepancies.
8. What is a transferable letter of credit?
The first beneficiary (often a middleman) transfers his rights to a second beneficiary (normally the producer or ultimate seller). According ICC rules, article 38(b), an LC can only be transferred if the issuing bank expressly designates it as transferable. Only the nominated bank or a bank authorized by the issuing bank may transfer the DC.
9. What kind of documents should we require under the letter of credit?
In order to receive payment, the exporter must present the documents stipulated in the letter of credit. There are no requirements for specific documents to be presented in an LC. The list and form is open to negotiation by the seller and the buyer, and sometimes the LC contains requirements to present documents issued by a neutral third party evidencing, for example, the quality of the goods shipped or their place of origin. As a proof that goods have been shipped, the LC often requires some kind of transport document to be presented, for example bill of landing or airway bill. Please see our checklist specifying the most common documents required under a DC presentation under an export documentary credits (DC).
10. Where should I send the import letter of credit application?
Send the application to NBK Head Office.
11. When will we receive payment under the letter of credit?
As per the agreed terms between buyer and seller, the period of credit is decided in the LC. Based on that period of credit, the time to effect payment by the opening bank (buyer's bank) is determined.
12. Am I sure to receive payment when I have a confirmed LC?
Yes, if you have presented correct documents and if has confirmed the LC you can be sure to receive payment at the time of maturity. If the LC is without confirmation you will receive funds when the Issuing bank effects payment.
13. What is a reimbursement bank?
It is the bank designated in the LC to reimburse the nominated bank. Thus it is the bank where the issuing bank maintains an account for the designated currency. The nominated bank will claim funds from the reimbursing bank after having accepted the documents.
14. Who has the documents forwarding risk with or without discrepancies?
If the documents are clean (without discrepancies), the exporter has the risk on the issuing bank. If the documents are discrepant, the seller has the risk on the buyer who has the option to waive the discrepancies or refuse documents.
15. What are the consequences if I deliver documents with discrepancies?
The buyer might refuse to pay, and you may have to sell the goods to another buyer. If the goods, for example, are custom made it can be difficult to find a new buyer.
16. When is the issuing bank no longer obligated to honour the claim?
If LC has already expired and documents presented are discrepant and not accepted by the applicant.
17. Under LC, How much will be the insurance cover?
If the LC does not state the amount of insurance, the insurance document must cover at least 110% of the invoice amount (CIF/CIP value).
18. What is transhipment and partial shipment?
Transhipment is taking shipment from one mode of transport to another during the goods transportation route. Partial shipment is when you ship the goods more than once.
Documentary collections
19. If the payment term is cash against documents (i.e. export collection), how can I as an exporter gain control over my goods and secure payment?
The idea with the documentary collection is that the goods remain in your control until the buyer has paid and received the documents. To achieve this, remember to put the collecting bank (buyer's bank) as consignee of the goods in the transport documents.
20. What is an aval?
An aval is a joint commitment by the principal debtor and a third party (normally a financial institution) to make payment of an obligation in favour of the beneficiary. The third party commits itself for the full credit amount in the event that the principal debtor does not fulfill his obligation by the due date.
Letters of guarantee
21. What are URDG?
The uniform rules for demand guarantees, developed by the ICC, are used by banks and businesses across continents and industry sectors. A demand guarantee is an independent undertaking where guarantors are assured that their commitment is subject to its own terms.
22.What is required to issue a guarantee?
A bank guarantee request has to be approved by the bank. Normally you get an offer letter for a specific guarantee or you will get an offer letter for a guarantee facility up to a certain limit. As a customer you must provide us with at least the following information: Name and address of debtor/principal, Name and address of beneficiary, Guarantee amount, Expiry date, What the guarantee is related to (e.g. the underlying contract) and Type of guarantee (e.g. performance, payment or advance payment).
23.What is the price for a guarantee?
The pricing of a guarantee depends on: The amount and length of the guarantee, the type of guarantee, what kind of security the bank receives, the general market situation and the specific situation for your line of business.
24. How do I claim guarantee?
A claim is brought against the guarantor when the beneficiary believes the principal has defaulted with the underlying conditions covered by the guarantee. The claim must state: a reference to the guarantee in question, how the principal has defaulted on the underlying agreement covered by the stated guarantee, and if possible documentation: the amount claimed under the guarantee and to which account the money should be credited.
25. How long time it will take to be paid after claim has presented i.e. when will the bank pay?
Payment will depend on if the guarantee is an accessory or demand guarantee. A demand under an accessory guarantee will be paid when one of the following conditions is true: amicable agreement (e.g. the principal accepts the demand), final judgement in court or arbitration award. Payment under a demand guarantee will depend on the wording of the guarantee, describing what must be presented and when payment should be made.
26. What documentation does NBK need to cancel a guarantee with an open-ended date?
If the guarantee is open ended (i.e. no expiry date), we need either the original guarantee document returned to us or that the beneficiary in writing states that NBK is released from our obligations.
How can I check if my NBK Online Banking session is secure?
Look for the padlock icon located in the lower right corner of your browser window. A closed or locked padlock indicates a secure connection. Look for the letter “s” at the beginning of the URL address, i.e. https:// – "s" stands for secure.
How do I sign up to NBK Online Banking?
Select "NBK Online Banking" on and then click on "Join" and follow the easy online instructions to enroll to "NBK Online Banking Security Key" to access your account online.
How do I login to my account on NBK Online Banking?
If you haven’t signed up for a “NBK Online Banking Security Key,” you need to enroll first. To login to your account, you need to answer a security key question and make sure that the selected image matches the phrase, then enter your NBK Online Banking password to login successfully.
What do I do if I’ve forgotten my password?
Click on “Forgot password”.
Fill out all the necessary details. Then, click “Submit.”
Select your preferred way to receive the one-time-password: via email or SMS.
How do I activate my account?
- Login to NBK Online Banking
- Go to the “Balance information” page
- Click on the link for “Account activation” – you will then receive a request to contact NBK Call Center at 1801801
- Enter your debit card number and select to talk to an agent
How do I get confirmation that my account has been activated successfully?
You will receive a confirmation SMS message on your mobile confirming successful activation.
How can I cancel the NBK Online Banking activation and go back to limited access?
You can contact NBK Call Center at 1801801 and request to cancel the activation.
What can I view on the "Balance Information" page?
You can check your account statement from the date you opened the account and track your credit card purchase history (up to 2 years) with an easy download facility to Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word and PDF. You can also keep track of your loan and funds details on an ongoing basis.
If I have NBK accounts in more than one branch, will I be able to see them all on NBK Online Banking?
To view all you NBK accounts (which were opened in different NBK branches), you will need to request that your branch links all of your accounts.
What types of transfers can I make online?
You can conduct international or local transfers as well as set up a Standing Order for your recurring payments.
How will I receive the OTP?
You will receive the verification code by SMS at the mobile number registered to your NBK Account. If your number has not been updated, you will have to visit a branch to update it, in order to receive the code successfully.
How do I input the OTP?
The OTP consists of 6 alphanumeric characters that will be sent to your mobile number. You input the OTP in the field that appears once you click “Pending Beneficiary.”
What is the monthly transfer limit?
You can transfer up to KD 2,000 per month. This limit can be increased up to KD 20,000 per month by filling out the Increase transfer limit form available on NBK Online Banking and submitting it to your branch.
Will I be charged for an international transfer?
If you select "I accept charges" your NBK account will be automatically debited with KD 5. If you select "Beneficiary accepts charges" between USD 15 and USD 25 will be deducted by the beneficiary bank from the amount you are sending.
What is the maximum number of beneficiaries I can have?
The maximum number should not exceed 200. If you have reached the maximum number of beneficiaries and wish to add a new one, you will need to delete any beneficiary record and add the new ones.
How do I create a new beneficiary?
Simply follow these steps to create or update your local and international beneficiaries:
- Login to NBK Online Banking
- Click on “Transfer Funds”
- Select “Add Local Beneficiary” or “Add International Beneficiary”
- Complete all the required beneficiary’s details, then click on “Submit”
- A code will be sent to your mobile by SMS. The code consists of 6 alphanumeric characters*
- A pop-up message will be displayed on your screen to confirm the beneficiary creation/update. Click on “Submit”
- You will be directed to the beneficiaries’ list. Click on the “Pending Beneficiary” that is under “Action” to enter the code that is sent to you on your mobile
- Enter the verification code, then “Verify” to activate the beneficiary**
- You will be returned to the beneficiaries’ list page and you will be able to make transfers to this beneficiary
*If you have changed your mobile number, please visit the nearest NBK branch to update your details
**In this step, you can also delete the beneficiary by clicking on “Delete” or request a new verification code by clicking on “Resend verification code”
Will I be notified of my transfer and new beneficiary?
NBK will be sending you an immediate SMS notification upon creation of a new beneficiary.
Can I use NBK Online Banking to transfer money from my credit card to my account?
Yes. You can transfer funds from your NBK Credit Cards to your primary account online. The minimum transfer amount is KD 50 and a 5% charge will be applied.
What bills can I pay on NBK Online Banking?
You can pay your Ministry of Communications, Mobile Telecommunications Company (Zain), Viva Telecommunication Company (VIVA), Ooredoo Telecom, selected schools and Commercial Facilities Co. (CFC) bills.
How can I open an account online?
You can set up the account instantly online by transferring from KD accounts only and you will be able to view your new account details on your "Balance information" page.
What accounts can I open online?
You will be able to open an account in KD (Current, NBK Super, Trust and Al Jawhara) or foreign currencies in US Dollar, Pound Sterling, Yen, and Euro (Current or NBK Super) instantly without having to visit your branch.
What should I do if my mobile number is not up to date?
To update your phone number, you need to visit the nearest NBK Branch or update it through NBK Online Banking*.
*To be able to update the mobile number through NBK Online Banking, you need to have your old mobile number with you to receive the verification code to complete the update process.
How do I know that NBK Online Banking is secure?
For your peace of mind, NBK has implemented state-of-the-art online banking security – by registering for the NBK Online Banking Security Key you can be assured that your personalized online banking is protected.
The NBK team recommends that once you complete your registration that you register your computer – this provides you added protection.
How to transfer funds easily through NBK Online Banking?
To avoid delays in money transfer or request additional information, please follow the below tips:
- Refrain from using abbreviations, codes or nicknames in the “Details” field of your payment order
- Make sure to fill in the full details of “Purpose of Payment”
- Add the beneficiary’s full name and address, including the city and country
Devices & Operating Systems
On what devices can I use the NBK Mobile Banking App?
NBK has developed custom application for iOS and Android users. You can use it on your iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, and devices that have Android Operating System.
Can I log in into the app using my fingerprint or Face ID?
Yes, you can, but first, your device should have this option enabled in order for you to use it for NBK Mobile Banking App.
Can I have NBK Mobile Banking App on multiple devices?
Yes, you can. Now the app can be downloaded, installed and enrolled on up to 5 devices (maximum).
Does NBK Mobile Banking App have a similar appearance on all phones?
The appearance of the app may differ depending on the Operation System (OS) of the mobile phone being used, but the functions and transactions will remain the same.
Data Protection & Privacy
How does NBK protect my information on NBK Mobile Banking?
- NBK will not ask you to save your password. You will need to enter your password every time you log in to access your account.
- No personal information is stored on your phone while using NBK Mobile Banking.
Can anyone else use my NBK Mobile Banking?
No one else can use your NBK Mobile Banking. This is another secure banking channel where every time you wish to use your NBK Mobile Banking, the password prompt will appear.
Beneficiaries, Transfers & Transactions
Is there a maximum transfer limit on NBK Mobile Banking App?
Once you are registered on NBK Mobile Banking App, you will get a transfer limit of KD 2,000 monthly and you can increase it up to KD 30,000.
What are the limits for NBK Quick Pay?
- Daily limit: KD 5,000
- Daily transactions: 10
- Monthly limit: KD 10,000
What are the limits for the Cardless Cash Withdrawal?
- Daily limit: KD 1,000
- Daily transactions: 5
How to transfer funds easily through NBK Mobile Banking?
To avoid delays in money transfer or request additional information, please follow the below tips:
- Refrain from using abbreviations, codes or nicknames in the “Details” field of your payment order
- Make sure to fill in the full details of “Purpose of Payment”
- Add the beneficiary’s full name and address, including the city and country
Updating Personal Details
What do I do if I change my email address?
You can log in to NBK Mobile Banking App, go to “Self-Services” then tap on “Update Email Address”. Enter the new email address, and confirm it. You will receive a One Time Password (OTP) on your mobile number. Enter it and the transaction will go through and your email address is updated in our systems.
What is WAMD?
WAMD is a service provided by K-Net on NBK Mobile Banking App, where users can easily send and receive money locally.
What currency is used for WAMD?
Kuwaiti Dinar is the currency used for WAMD across all local banks.
What are the transactions' limits for WAMD?
- KD 1,000 is the maximum limit per transaction
- KD 3,000 daily limit
- KD 20,000 monthly limit
How can I register to WAMD?
Login to NBK Mobile Banking App, go to "Transfers", then to WAMD. You can enable or disable the service, change the settlement account or deregister to the service all in simple taps.
On what platforms NBK Mobile App is available for smartwatches?
NBK Mobile Banking App is available on smartwatches for both iOS and Android, for the first time in Kuwait.
What functionalities are available on smartwatch?
You will have the convenience to check your account balance in the form of actual balance or percentage indicator, in addition to the exchange rates.
How can I change the display of the account balance indicator?
You can change the display of the account balance indicator by selecting the display preference from the settings in the App on your phone and select one form in order to be displayed on the smartwatch.
How many accounts can I display on the smartwatch?
You can display only 1 account balance on the smartchwatch. And if you need to select another account, you have to change the account through the App that is available on your mobile device.
Can I check the account balance and exchange rate on the smartwatch?
Yes you can, all you have to do is pair the smartwatch with your mobile device. Once paired, open the App on your smartwatch and check your account balance.
Is the App secure? And is it safe to display the balance on the smartwatch?
The App is absolutely safe. In all cases, you have to enter the passcode to access the App on the smartwatch, where you have to tap on the App every time you to view the account balance. And if you take off your watch and wear it again, you need to enter the passcode to access the App.
Where the ITM is located?
At The Avenues.
What are the services provided through ITMs?
- Cash withdrawals
- Cash deposits
- Check cashing
- Check deposit
- Moneytransfer
Is the service secure?
This service ensures privacy and security, as well as easy and convenient to use. A dedicated NBK Agent will assist with any questions during your session.
What special needs services do select NBK branches offer?
- ATMs with have Braille keyboards and earphones, enabling visually impaired customers to withdraw money ( such ATMs have special branding and enclosures to ensure the physical wellbeing of our customers)
- Braille printing facilities
- Staff trained to provide services in sign language, for hearing-impaired customers
- iPads providing speech to text functionality for visually-impaired customers
- Wheelchair access to branches (available in all our branches)
- Reserved and clearly marked parking spaces
Where are special needs branches located?
We have six branches with these specialized facilities, one in each governorate:
Governorate |
NBK Branch |
Asima Governate |
Head office |
Hawalli |
Cinema Salmiya |
Farwaniya |
Rehab |
Mubarak Al Kabeer |
Mubarak Al Kabeer |
Ahmadi |
Fahaheel Saheli |
Jahra |
Saad Al Abdullah |
What are the services provided through the ATMs?
- Withdraw cash (within the available limit)
- Change ATM/Credit Card PIN
- Request check book
- Request mini account statement
- Request account statement through branch (last 30 transactions)
- Transfer between your accounts
Where can I find the ATMs for US Dollar withdrawal?
- NBK airport branch
- NBK Head Office branch
- Fahad Al Salem branch
- Ahmadi branch
- Cinema Salmiya branch
Can I withdraw foreign currencies from Sheikh Saad terminal?
- Yes Emirates Dirhams AED in addition to the Kuwaiti Dinar.
Will NBK Mobile ATM cater to events?
- Yes NBKMobile ATM will cater to events, with prior booking schedule.
What are the services offered through the NBK Mobile ATM?
- Cash withdrawal
- Balance Enquiry
What are the services provided through the Cash Deposit Machines (CDM)?
- Deposit cash up to 100 notes at one time
- Deposit KD 1, KD 5, KD 10 and KD 20 notes at one time
- Deposits are safe, secure and immediately credited to your account
- Available 24/7
Which services can I access through IVR?
The main services available through IVR are:
- Check your balance and recent transactions
- Make payments to your credit card
- Transfer between accounts
- Issue, activate and block your cards
- Inquiry on NBK Term Deposit
- Activate SMS Service and NBK Push Notifications
- Issue or replace your prepaid card
- Request Withdraw From Card
- Pay to your credit card from other than the settlement account
- Open new account
- Request your IBAN number via SMS
- Request sending currency exchange rate via SMS
- Request e-statement
My ATM/ debit/ credit card has been lost or stolen. How do I report this?
When you contact NBK Call Center, first select your preferred language. Next, you will be prompted to press “*” for any lost or stolen cards, where you can report either your own or someone else's debit card or credit card as lost or stolen. This service is available 24/7.
How can I access IVR ?
Simply dial 1801801 within Kuwait or call our toll-free numbers below from outside Kuwait:
- France: 0805-080765
- Germany: 0800-181-1475
- Italy: 800-792-255
- Spain: 900-839159
- Turkey: 00-800-113-9247
- United Arab Emirates: 8000-3205-55
- UK: 0-800-098-8456
- USA and Canada: 1-855-577-7625
- For all other countries, call: +965 22248361
How do I use IVR?
When you contact NBK Call Center, first select your preferred language. Select option 1 to access your account or credit card. The system will recognize you through your mobile number, then you will be requested to enter your card number and PIN.
What will happen if the number I am calling from is different from my registered mobile number?
The system will give you the option to identify yourself through entering your account number or Civil ID number.
I have more than one card, which one will be listed first?
IVR will list the last activated debit card first or will request you to enter the last 4 digits of the card that you want to use.
What if I need to use a different card for authentication?
If you have more than one debit card, the system will give you the option to select the card you prefer to use.